4–11 Jul 2012
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Australia/Melbourne timezone
ICHEP2012 - 36th International Conference for High Energy Physics

Radiation from accelerated charges at strong coupling

5 Jul 2012, 11:15
Room 218 (Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre)

Room 218

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Melbourne Australia
Parallel Sessions Track 12. Formal Theory Developments TR 12 - Formal Theory Development & TR 1 - The Standard Model


Dr Daniel Fernandez-Fraile (Frankfurt University (DE))


We present our latest results concerning the radiation spectrum emitted by a relativistic charged particle at strong coupling, employing the theoretical techniques provided by the AdS/CFT correspondence. We compare with other recent analyses of this problem with heavy quarks [1,2], and in our case we do find deviations from the (classical) Lienard formula once we take into account all the relevant quantum effects. References: [1] C.Athanasiou, P.M.Chesler, H.Liu, D.Nickel and K.Rajagopal, ``Synchrotron radiation in strongly coupled conformal field theories,'' Phys. Rev. D81, 126001 (2010). [2] Y.Hatta, E.Iancu, A.H.Mueller and D.N.Triantafyllopoulos, ``Aspects of the UV/IR correspondence: energy broadening and string fluctuations,'' JHEP 1102, 065 (2011).


Dr Daniel Fernandez-Fraile (Frankfurt University (DE))

Presentation materials