Oct 20 – 24, 2012
Wuhan, China
Asia/Chongqing timezone
With the advent of heavy-ion collisions at LHC after the first successful 10 years of RHIC, high pT physics is becoming increasingly important for the study of the properties of dense matter under extreme conditions. The abundance of hard processes at such high energies will make the quantitative study of the dense matter possible. The purpose of this workshop is to offer an opportunity for scientists to have a close examination of the experimental results from the first heavy-ion program at LHC together, lessons learnt from RHIC and new advances in theoretical studies. Focus will also be given to high pt physics in pA collisions especially at the LHC energies. The workshop will only have plenary presentations and plenty time for discussions.
Wuhan, China
Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
Huada and CCNU
Huada is the Chinese abbreviation of Central China (Huazhong) University, one of the predecessors of the Central China Normal University (CCNU). Huazhong (Central China) University was the largest and most influential mission university in south central China with its origin in Wenhua Academy (the college of mission school) which was founded in 1903. In 1951, the public Huazhong University came into being after the Pedagogical College of Zhongyuan University merged with Huazhong University. After several mergers over the years, the university was formally entitled Central China Normal University in 1985.
CCNU is located in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province and a major hub of transportation in China. The picturesque campus of over 330 acres is nestled on the Guizi Hill, bordering South Lake in Wuhan. It has 24 departments with a population of 30,000 undergraduate students and about 9000 graduate students. Prof. Lian-shou Liu founded the Institute of Particle Physics (IOPP) in 1985. It is now the largest institutes in China in the study of high-energy nuclear physics with both theory and experimental programs.