14–17 Nov 2012
Academic Building, Utrecht University
Europe/Zurich timezone

Future of Heavy Quark Measurement at sPHENIX

17 Nov 2012, 12:00
Kanunnikenzaal (Academic Building, Utrecht University)


Academic Building, Utrecht University

Domplein 29, Utrecht
Future exp/upgrades Future experiments and upgrades


Cesar Luiz da Silva (Los Alamos National Lab) J. Matthew Durham (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


The PHENIX Collaboration is designing a new detector configuration (sPHENIX) to continue the studies of the recent discoveries at RHIC. The new detector will be based on a strong solenoid magnet with full azimuthal calorimetry and tracking coverage as well as displaced-vertex measurement capabilities. A new landmark of sQGP interaction, color screening and initial state effect studies can be explored at RHIC with measurements like heavy flavor tagged jets, hadron(gamma)-heavy flavor correlation and identification of different quarkonia states in p+p, p+A and A+A collisions. This presentation will detail the conceptual design, the staging and the physics which can be addressed in this concept.

Primary author

Cesar Luiz da Silva (Los Alamos National Lab)

Presentation materials