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Real Film: An encounter with film artist Yuri Ancarani

by Yuri Ancarani

Library, 52 1-052 (CERN)

Library, 52 1-052


Film maker Yuri Ancarani is already making a name for himself in the world of art films. He has shown work at important festivals, like Venice International Film Festival and Cinema du Reel in Paris as well as the Guggenheim, Museum, New York.
On the occasion to his visit to CERN to research the final part of his trilogy about work, Yuri Ancarani will talk about the ideas behind his films. The first part of his trilogy was called 'The Chief' and was shot in the marble quarries of Carrera, whilst the second film, 'Platform Moon' was shot entirely inside a hyperbaric chamber on a gas platform in the mediterranean sea.
He will talk about the process of film making, how and why he chooses subjects for his films, and his personal story as to why he loves film as an artistic medium.

Tee/Coffee  will be served.