Beam loss mechanisms
- Daniel Schulte (CERN)
Experience of existing and previsions for future accelerator complexes, addressing three types of beam losses and their potential impacts:
- Operational beam losses: quasi continuous losses (e.g. beam gas induced) that form the loss background that has a major impact on the radiation environment in the accelerator.
- Equipment failure induced beam losses, which – if ill controlled – may lead to major damage of the accelerator structures.
- Transient beam losses, or beam losses related to changing environment (temperature drift, ground motion, ufo, others).
Arden Warner
06/06/2012, 14:15
Helmut Burkhardt
06/06/2012, 15:00
The talk will shortly review our knowledge of halo production by standard processes and in particular beam-gas scattering. Analytic estimates and simulation tools (PLACET+HTGEN) exist and have been used to predict the halo for the drive beam, LINAC and beam delivery systems of CLIC.
This allows to show that halo and losses from halo should be rather low in CLIC under design conditions and...