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- Indico Weeks View
Experience of existing and previsions for future accelerator complexes, addressing three types of beam losses and their potential impacts:
- Operational beam losses: quasi continuous losses (e.g. beam gas induced) that form the loss background that has a major impact on the radiation environment in the accelerator.
- Equipment failure induced beam losses, which – if ill controlled – may lead to major damage of the accelerator structures.
- Transient beam losses, or beam losses related to changing environment (temperature drift, ground motion, ufo, others).
This section will address the detection of failures that may lead to uncontrolled beams.
- Beam Quality Assessments (for active systems and Post Pulse Analysis)
- Equipment failure detection
Reviews of various types of failure mitigation:
- Passive protection (masks , materials, collimators, non linear optics)
- RT protection
- Safe by design
- Interlock systems (equipment and post pulse assessment)