CERN, in collaboration with the European FP7 projects HiLumi LHC and
TIARA, is pleased to invite you to the first workshop on “Superconducting
Technologies for Next Generation of Accelerators”.
Experienced researchers and leading companies in the field of superconductivity
will gather at the Globe of Science and Innovation to explore the technical
challenges emerging from the design of new accelerator machines and to
match them with state-of-the-art industrial solutions.
The workshop is the first of a series of initiatives aiming at connecting research
infrastructures, facing specific technical challenges, with potential commercial
partners, fostering R&D collaborations and knowledge exchange.
For this first event, CERN addresses the technical challenges arising from the
next major upgrade of the LHC, the Large Hadron Collider. Around 2020, the
LHC, the largest scientific instrument ever built, will see its discovery potential
extended by increasing its luminosity by a factor of 10 beyond its design
This extraordinary technical enterprise will lead to a new configuration
of the LHC, called High Luminosity LHC. This will rely on cutting-edge 13 Tesla
superconducting magnets, very compact and ultra-precise superconducting
cavities for beam rotation, and 300-metre-long high-power superconducting
links with zero energy dissipation.
The workshop addresses technical challenges shared by other European
Research Infrastructures, such as ESS (European Spallation Source), and
includes TIARA (Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area), the
EU-funded project having the objective to integrate national and international
accelerator R&D infrastructures into a single distributed European accelerator
R&D facility.
The programme focuses on three main areas of expertise:
High and low field magnets
Superconducting cavities
Cryostats and superconducting links
Scientific presentations, Industry talks and Q&A sessions will be intertwined to
maximize knowledge exchange opportunities between researchers and
commercial partners.
For more information please contact
