PICOSEC (Pico-second Silicon photomultiplier-Electronics- & Crystal research) is a European Marie Curie training project. It aims to bring together early career researchers and experienced colleagues from across Europe, to take part in a structured, integrated and multidisciplinary training program for young researchers in an R&D project geared to develop a new class of ultra-fast photon detectors in PET and HEP.
You can find more info on the project here.
This event will combine the researchers kick-off meeting (first day) and the first training event (second and third day) of the project.
It will take place in Lyon, at the Faculty of Medicine in University Lyon 1.
You can download maps and useful information here (welcome sheets).
The presentations held at the meeting are available here (only PicoSEC members; if you need to have access, you can let us know by e-mail).
You can find more info on the project here.
It will take place in Lyon, at the Faculty of Medicine in University Lyon 1.
You can download maps and useful information here (welcome sheets).
The presentations held at the meeting are available here (only PicoSEC members; if you need to have access, you can let us know by e-mail).