Nov 5 – 7, 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Registration Fee

Registration Fee

The conference fee is 300 CHF, and will cover the cost of the coffee breaks, reception, social dinner and the conference package including the conference set of presentations.

Students and young Ph.D. are encouraged to attend; therefore, we will provide a discounted conference fee of 150 CHF for students and postdocs within three years of obtaining their Ph.D. degree.
Registrations and payments will be accepted after October 15th, 2012, but at an increased fee of 350 CHF (for young participants 200 CHF).
Some limited support could be available on the basis of well justified motivations to be provided to the conference chairs and within budget limitations.

Conference fees should preferably be paid in advance following the instructions below. Payment will also be possible on November 4th or 5th at the registration desk, close to the Main Auditorium.
Payment from a CERN
or Team Account

Payment from a CERN budget code or Team Account can be made in a form of a TID to CERN code 10967. Please indicate 27158 as technical contact.
Payment by bank transfer

Please find below the workshop's bank account references for payment of fees:

Bank:                  UBS SA
Account Number:  0240-FP100541.3
IBAN:                  CH66 0024 0240 FP10 0541 3
SWIFT:                UBSWCHZH80A
Domiciliation:       UBS SA. - GENEVA
Account holder:     CERN-CONFERENCES

As this bank account is opened for several other CERN conferences, we kindly ask you to mention in the transfer the name of the conference or the reference 10967.
This information is important in order to identify your transfer.