Deployment team

EVO - GridPP Deployment team meeting

EVO - GridPP Deployment team meeting

Jeremy Coles
- This is the weekly DTEAM meeting - The intention is to run the meeting in EVO: Join the meeting in the GridPP Community area
Minutes ======= Present : Pete Gronbech Derek Ross Raja Nandakumar Barney Garrett Andrew Elwell Mingchao Ma Graeme Stewart Experiment Issues ================= LHCb - believe they are fixing SL4 problem, on hiatus during CHEP Reports from meetings ===================== WLCG meeting - no major issues CHEP meeting T0/1/2 Workshop - Need to test data chain, data acquisition at T0 for most experiments still untested Summary of middleware seemed optimistic, still lots to do to get services integrated. Non-grid services are starting to play an important role - AFS becoming important, is Indico important? Sites (esp T1) are significantly ramping up capacity. Operations - SAM tests are the right framework, experiments putting their own tests into SAM PPS - going to be reviewed, not being particularly successful, not engaging with experiments. Problems with wikis and blogs - too many, out of date information. User support - only Atlas turned up, not clear in WLCG that experiments own 1st line User support Atlas - M4 underway, problems getting data to RAL T1, no problems T1 to T2. Have proved that can get data from pit to T2s. M5 run in Jan? More tests through next year CMS - CSA07 - 50% of target rate for 2008 LHCb - v. successful summer production, glexec support important for LHCb, but don't care about setuid mode All experiments talking about pilot jobs Feb & May 08 - testing full chain for all 4 experiments at the same time. Non-stop production from now on. Schedule now being lead by detector activites. Collaboration workshop booked for April AOB === RAL-LCG2 moving increasing Sl4 capacity to 90% this week Greig seeking input holding on an Storage workshop in Edinburgh in November Mingchao continuing testing glexec, hoping to produce documentation for next meeting Security policy approved by EGEE or WLCG apply to Tier 2 sites regardless of the approval of the Tier 2 Board. In future Tier 2 Board will review draft security documents before they are issued by Joint Security group Concerns with Security related SAM tests - do we want failures available publicly? Can we restrict this to site admins and T2Cs Scotgrid and Southgrid happy with "publicly" (need certificate) accessible results HEPSYSMAN at Imperial College 31st October specialising on monitoring
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    • 11:00 11:20
      Experiment problems/issues 20m
      Review of weekly issues by experiment/VO - LHCb - CMS - ATLAS - Other
    • 11:20 11:35
      ROC update 15m
      Ticket status *************** Any tickets for discussion? EGEE ops meeting items of interest ****************************************** Update from Pete/Derek on items covered at the ops meeting.
    • 11:35 11:55
      Summary/discussion of CHEP & WLCG workshop 20m
      (From those who attended): - Meeting focus - Decisions/progress from the workshop - Comments on CHEP talks/posters
    • 11:55 12:00
      AOB 5m
      - Actions - HEPYSMAN date(s) -- Ideas for the monitoring workshop/tutorial agenda