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15–19 Oct 2012
Institute of High Energy Physics
Asia/Shanghai timezone

IPv6 deployment in IHEP

17 Oct 2012, 09:50
C305 (Institute of High Energy Physics)


Institute of High Energy Physics

19B YuquanLu Shijingshan Beijing China
Presentation Security & Networking Security and Networking


Qi Fazhi (IHEP)


Description of the IPV6 deployment in IHEP


IHEP has finished the implementation of the IPv6 network infrastructure in the campus network, and the network is running in the dual stack mode.This talk will present the current status of IHEP network and some related system or software deployed in IHEP, including the IPv6 user management system,access control system,etc. , the IPv6 related plan,applications and projects in IHEP also will be introduced in this presentation.

Primary author

Qi Fazhi (IHEP)

Presentation materials