15–19 Oct 2012
Institute of High Energy Physics
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Selecting a Business-Process-Management-System in conjunction with an Identity-and-Access-Management-System

16 Oct 2012, 09:30
C305 (Institute of High Energy Physics)


Institute of High Energy Physics

19B YuquanLu Shijingshan Beijing China
Presentation IT Infrastructure, Services, Business Continuity IT Infrastructure


Mr Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch (DESY)


Business processes are integral parts of every day (non-technical) administrative tasks. Many of these tasks at DESY are still paper-bound. A joint project of DESY-Administration and High-Energy-Physics department was started to provide the organisational and technical prerequisites for establishing electronic workflows by using business process management systems (BPMS) as well as an identity and access management (IAM) system. Thus processes will be handled faster, be traceable better and executed in a uniform manner. The presentation will show aspects of the procedures in choosing a BPM-system as well as an IAM-system and underlying requirements.


Presentation materials