Plenary session 8 : Towards Geant4 version X, part 2
- Gabriele Cosmo (CERN)
- Makoto Asai (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
Work targets and their plan toward the major release in 2013
is discussed. This second session puts emphasis on changes
not directly related to multi-threading.
- obsolete functionalities
- new functionalities/features
- Cmake configuration - GNUmake support(?)
- testing/validation strategies
- any other potential issues
Individual presentations should be reasonably short, and at least half of the session time should be used for discussion.
Makoto Asai
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
13/09/2012, 11:05
Sebastien Laurent Incerti
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
13/09/2012, 11:35
Koichi Murakami
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
13/09/2012, 11:50
Ivana Hrivnacova
(Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
13/09/2012, 12:00