- Compact style
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Welcome, meeting goals, known issues and reports on user requirements from various application domains.
This session focuses on open requirements, ongoing activities and developments related to tools for Geant4 code development, maintenance, validation and release.
To join this session you can either
- call +41227676000 (Main), and enter access code: 0157809 , or
- use the URL https://audioconf.cern.ch/call/0157809
Discussion on new EM models and interfaces
Remote access is arranged via EVO. This allows you to connect also via telephone or using Skype.
1) To connect via evo use the reservation URL
2) To use the EVO Phone Bridge, using the meeting ID: 578 8781
Telephone Numbers for this are available at http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/telephone.jsp
3) To use Skype (tm) call EVO (username: evo.phone) and follow the instructions at http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/Documentation/extclient/skype/skype.html
Performance checks.
Experience in testing shifts.
Tests using CMake/CDash.
Discussion on validation results for EM physics
Remote access is arranged via EVO. This allows you to connect also via telephone or using Skype.
1) To connect via evo use the reservation URL
2) To use the EVO Phone Bridge, using the meeting ID: 578 8781
Telephone Numbers for this are available at http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/telephone.jsp
3) To use Skype (tm) call EVO (username: evo.phone) and follow the instructions at http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/Documentation/extclient/skype/skype.html
The focus of this session is on particular topics in Parallelisation:
- Geant4MT: open/new requirements and the potential for porting to new threads;
- Novel parallelization efforts including GPU porting and vectorization.
1) Time slots without a speaker are for discussions.
2) The timetable is in nearly final version. Please notify in case of errors or issues.
This session will use the EVO system. The Id of the meeting is 5782381.
To join you can either
a) call one of the EVO phone bridge phone numbers near you. After the meeting Id you will be asked for a second number - enter "3296". The phone bridge numbers can be found at http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/telephone.jsp
b) use Skype and the EVO-Skype bridge - you need to use the same meeting id and use the same 2nd number "3296". Instructions are available at
c) use the Evo client - best only if you are familiar with it. To do this follow "Video Services" in the tab on the left and follow the link to join. The number you need is "1984".
This session focuses on the recent, major developments in electromagnetic physics, both for standard and low-energy. A summary of the status of the validation of electromagnetic physics will be also presented.
This session focuses on the recent, major developments in hadronic physics, and their impact in user applications. A summary of the status of the validation of hadronic physics will be also presented.
Current coverage of hadronic validation:
- Which are the tests covering hadronics?
- Are all models tested?
- Missing tests and work plan.
Status of the validation for LHC experiments.
Validation coverage and results for INCLXX
Building Geant4 with CMake.
Developer Use Cases and Requirements for the Geant4 CMake system
Testing Geant4 using CMake/CTest/CDash.
Development of unit and integration tests.
Development and Deployment of Tools for Building Geant4 Applications.
Documentation of CMake/CTest/CDash for Geant4 Developers.
Documentation for Users on Building Geant4 and Applications.
Best Practice for Building Geant4 Examples
Visualization status and plans.
Installation and configuration issues specifically related to visualization tools.
This session focuses on ongoing activities and developments related to the following modules, working groups and areas: Run and Event, Tracking, Geometry and Transport, Particles and Track, Persistency, Documentation, Examples, Detector Response, GUI, Visualization and Analysis.
Work targets and their plan toward the major release in 2013
is discussed. This first session puts emphasis on multi-threading
- release schedule and deadlines
- merging Geant4-MT into the main development thread
- foreseen key interface changes in kernel classes due to multi-threading
- foreseen key interface changes in classes users commonly use due to multi-threading
- how to make an application migrated
- migration strategy for examples
- GUI/Vis for multi-threading
Individual presentations should be reasonably short, and at least half of the session time should be used for discussion.
Talk on "Ion/Ion validation in Geant4 for space applications"
Talk on "Recent development and nucleus-nucleus extension of INCL++"
Talk on "Status of Charged Particle HP"
Discussion on "Interfaces, hadronic model organization and requirements for low energy ion-ion reactions"
Review of open issues and developments
This will be a work session of the vis group.
This session focuses on the ongoing activities and developments related to the following modules, working groups and areas: Processes and Materials, Standard and Low-E EM Physics, Hadronic Physics, Physics Lists.
Work targets and their plan toward the major release in 2013
is discussed. This second session puts emphasis on changes
not directly related to multi-threading.
- obsolete functionalities
- new functionalities/features
- Cmake configuration - GNUmake support(?)
- testing/validation strategies
- any other potential issues
Individual presentations should be reasonably short, and at least half of the session time should be used for discussion.
Common collaboration tools for physics validation:
1- GRID Validation
2- CTest / CDash based physics validation
3- FNAL Validation DataBase
Review the present status of applying coding guidelines and reviews,
discuss the planning of remaining work.
Stating about Event Biasing since mini-workshop: progress and possible show-stoppers
New aspects not (much) covered at the mini-workshop :
- occurence biasing of charged particles
- e.g. : forced interaction of charged pions
- formalism, design
- final state biasing
Summaries of the topics discussed during the parallel sessions will be presented.
Meeting wrap-up and future perspectives