Parallel session 8A : Hadronic Discussion
- Alberto Ribon (CERN)
- Muon stopping
- How to treat consistently "hybrid processes", like electro-nuclear; the problem of hadronic dependencies
- Better modularization of the hadronic physics library, e.g. compiling G4 without CHIPS
- Trends in G4PhysicsConstructor and complete physics lists
- How to make hadronics workable for nuclear physics
- Any topic that has not been properly covered during the previous four hadronic sessions, or that needs
further discussion.
Dennis Herbert Wright
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
13/09/2012, 16:20
Michael Kelsey
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
13/09/2012, 17:20
Witold Pokorski
13/09/2012, 17:40