Michael Thurauf
(Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (DE))
The transistion strengths of excited low-lying states serve as a sensitive testcase for theoretical models, such as the nuclear shell model. In the region around the doubly magic nucleus 132Sn experimental data on transition strengths and, thereby, lifetimes of the excited states are scarce. To improve the experimental situation, we determined the lifetimes of the first 2+ states in 140Ba [1] and 126Cd [2] using the Doppler-shift attenuation method (DSAM) for the first time with the MINIBALL set-up at REX-ISOLDE. Within this contribution a summary of both experiments and the analysis performed with the newly implemented DSAM code APCAD [3] will be presented. In the future, HIE-ISOLDE will give new opportunities for experiments using DSAM technics due to higher recoil velocities.
Supported by BMBF (No. 06 DA 9036I, 06 DA 9041I, 06 DA 7040, 06 DA
7047I and 06 MT 238) and EU through ENSAR (No. 262010).
[1] C. Bauer et al. Phys. Rev. C 86, 034310 (2012).
[2] M. Thürauf, Master's thesis.
[3] C. Stahl, Master's thesis.
Michael Thurauf
(Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (DE))
Christian Stahl
(Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (DE))
Christopher Bauer
(Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (DE))
Esther Sabine Bonig
(Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (DE))
Joerg Leske
(TU Darmstadt)
Marcus Scheck
(TU Darmstadt)
Norbert Pietralla
(IKP, Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Stoyanka Ilieva
(Technische Universität Darmstadt (DE))
Thorsten Kroell
(Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (DE))