17–19 Dec 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

REX-ISOLDE - now also heavyweight champion

18 Dec 2007, 09:00
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Fredrik John Carl Wenander (CERN)


A summary of the advances at the REX-ISOLDE facility during 2007 will be given. In total 3 new elements and 8 new isotopes were delivered for physics, coming either as atomic ions or molecular ions from ISOLDE. The REX-ISOLDE post accelerator has this year also seriously entered the arena of heavy ion beams by accelerating light Hg isotopes to full linac energy. The potential and constraints in terms of the machine for this 'heavyweight' region will be discussed. One of the experimental runs could be carried out in spite of a malfunctioning trap by operating the EBIS in continuous injection mode. This opens up future possibilities with the RFQ cooler now installed and operational. A number of technical developments were carried out at REX, for example: the extenstion of the beam transport line and move of the experimental stations were completed; new control systems were implemented and the linac RF amplifiers were consolidated. In addition, we will discuss foreseen accelerator improvements and beam developments.

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