Piotr Magierski
(Warsaw University of Technology)
In the last couple of years we have witnessed a tremendous progress
in the field of cold fermionic atoms. Ultra cold atomic gases provide
a remarkable opportunity to investigate strongly correlated Fermisystems.
They are dilute and their interactions can be precisely controlled
over an enormous range. In particular, they form unique laboratories
where the crossover between the Bose-Einstein condensate and the BCS
superfluid can be explored. In this limit, which is relevant
for the dilute neutron matter, the scattering length greatly exceeds
the average inter-particle separations. Consequently, the system
is believed to be strongly paired and the size of Cooper pairs is
comparable to the Fermi wavelength.
On the theoretical side, our overall understanding of these remarkable
many body systems has improved tremendously, even though many questions
remain yet unanswered. During the talk I shall discuss the properties
of dilute and strongly interacting Fermi system, emphasizing the link
with the nuclear matter properties and the neutron star structure.
I will discuss the equation of state for fermions in the so-called
unitary regime, where the scattering length tends to infinity.
The comparison with recent experiments concerning trapped atomic
gases will be presented.
Piotr Magierski
(Warsaw University of Technology)