Kanako Yamazaki
(University of Tokyo)
We extend our previous study of the quark-hadron phase transition at
finite temperatures with zero net baryon density by two flavor
Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with Polyakov loop [1] to the three flavor
case. At low temperatures, only mesonic correlations,
mainly due to mesonic collective excitations, dominate the pressure
while thermal excitations of quarks are suppressed by the Polyakov loop.
As temperature increases, mesonic collective modes melt into
the continuum of quark and anti-quark so that hadronic phase changes
continuously to the quark phase where quark excitations dominate pressure. We add
the gluon pressure in a phenomenological way through the effective
potential for the Polyakov loop. Since we introduce mesons as not elementary fields but
auxiliary fields made from quarks, we can describe the phase transition
between hadronic phase and quark phase in a unified fashion.
[1] Kanako Yamazaki and T.Matsui, arXiv:1212.6165 [hep-ph].
Kanako Yamazaki
(University of Tokyo)
Tetsuo Matsui
(Institute of Physics, University of Tokyo)