Roland Katz
Quarkonia suppression in heavy ion collisions has been investigated as a probe to Quark-Gluon Plasma properties and was indeed observed at SPS. However, the saturation of the suppression observed at RHIC and then is decrease at LHC has triggered the interest of our community and leads to consider alternate schemes as those based on sequential suppression in a stationary medium. In our contribution, we study the evolution of a quark-antiquark pair in a cooling isotropic QGP medium. For this purpose we use two different approaches: a) the semi-classical evolution equation proposed by C. Young and E. Shuryak [1] and b) a quantum evolution equation of the open QQbar system, better suited to study the evolution of bound states. We consider for both approaches different color screening potentials, temperature scenarios at RHIC and LHC, charmonium and bottomonium bound states, and thermalisation processes. A comparison to previous results [1][2][3] is finally carried out.
[1] C. Young and E. Shuryak, Phys. Rev. C 79, 034907 (2009)
[2] Y. Akamatsu and A. Rothkopf, Phys.Rev. D85 (2012) 105011
[3] M. Strickland and D. Bazow, Nuclear Physics A 879, 25-58 (2012)
Roland Katz
Roland Katz
Pol Gossiaux