21–27 Jul 2013
The University of Birmingham
GB timezone
Proceedings are closed. They should appear online shortly.

Study of freeze-out dynamics in STAR at RHIC beam energy scan program

25 Jul 2013, 14:20
The University of Birmingham

The University of Birmingham

Birmingham B15 2TT United Kingdom


Ms Sabita Das (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA and Institute of Physics, India)


The STAR experiment at RHIC has collected data at various collision energies in its beam energy scan (BES) program to study the QCD phase diagram. The BES program covers a large part of the QCD phase diagram in terms of temperature (T) versus baryon chemical potential ($\mu_B$). The collected data set can be used to study the kinetic and chemical freeze-out dynamics. The kinetic and chemical freeze-out parameters can be extracted using the transverse momentum ($p_{T}$) spectra of hadrons and the total yields within the framework of statistical model assuming thermal equilibrium. We report the centrality and energy dependence of chemical freeze-out parameters (temperature, baryon and strangeness chemical potential, and strangeness saturation factor) in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} =$ 7.7, 11.5, 27, and 39 GeV. The chemical freeze-out conditions are obtained by comparing the experimentally measured ratios of particle yields at mid-rapidity, which includes $\pi^{\pm}$, $\emph{K}^{\pm}$, $\emph{p}$, $\bar{\emph{p}}$, $K^{0}_{S}$, $\Lambda$, $\bar{\Lambda}$, $\Xi^{-}$, and $\bar{\Xi^{+}}$ to those obtained from the statistical-thermal model calculations (THERMUS). The kinetic freeze-out parameters of temperature and radial collective flow are obtained by fitting the invariant pT differential yields of the produced hadrons, as a function of transverse momentum using a Blast Wave model.


Ms Sabita Das (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA and Institute of Physics, India)

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