Yifei Zhang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
(for the STAR Collaboration)
Recent RHIC measurements support that a strongly coupled nuclear matter
with parton degree of freedom has been created in relativistic heavy-ion
collisions. However, the thermalization of such a hot and dense medium is
still unclear. Heavy quarks are expected to be created from initial hard
scatterings. Their large masses are not easily affected by the strong
interaction with QCD medium, they thus carry clean information from the
system at early stage. The interaction between heavy quarks and the medium
is sensitive to the medium dynamics, especially sensitive to the degree of
the system thermalization. Therefore heavy quarks are suggested as ideal
probes to quantify the properties of the strongly interacting QCD matter.
In this talk, we will present the STAR measurements of open charm hadron
and its semileptonic decay electron (NPE) production in Au$+$Au collisions
at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV. The centrality dependence of D-meson and NPE
$p_T$ spectra, nuclear modification factors will be presented. The elliptic
flow of $D^0$ and NPE will also be shown. The comparison between D-meson
and NPE, and the status of separating bottom and charm contributions in
NPE analysis, will be discussed.
Yifei Zhang
(University of Science and Technology of China)