21–27 Jul 2013
The University of Birmingham
GB timezone
Proceedings are closed. They should appear online shortly.

Electroweak boson production in heavy-ion collisions with CMS

25 Jul 2013, 14:00
The University of Birmingham

The University of Birmingham

Birmingham B15 2TT United Kingdom


Michael Gardner (University of California Davis (US)) The CMS Collaboration (CMS)


The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is fully equipped to measure leptonic decays of electroweak probes in the high multiplicity environment of nucleus-nucleus collisions. Electroweak boson production is an important benchmark process at hadron colliders. Precise measurements of W and Z production in heavy-ion collisions can help to constrain nuclear PDFs as well as serve as a standard candle of the initial state in PbPb collisions at the LHC energies. The inclusive and differential measurements of the Z boson yield in the muon decay channel will be presented, establishing that no modification is observed with respect to next-to-leading order pQCD calculations, scaled by the number of incoherent nucleon-nucleon collisions. Measurements of the yield of W bosons decaying into a muon and a(n anti)neutrino as a function of centrality, and the W charge asymmetry as a function of rapidity show no modifications beyond the expected effect of isospin when compared to pp collisions.


Michael Gardner (University of California Davis (US)) The CMS Collaboration (CMS)

Presentation materials

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