Marek Bombara
(Pavol Jozef Safarik University (SK))
Two-particle angular correlations provide a powerful tool to study jets and their modication in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The study of the particle species dependence of correlation structures as a function of transverse momentum provides additional information on the particle production mechanisms at LHC energies.
In this contribution we will present studies of a near-side jet-like correlation peak in (eta,phi) space for Pb-Pb collisions at
sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV. The measurement is performed using the correlations formed by pairs of high pT (6 < pT_trig < 15 GeV/c) , and Lambda, antiLambda, K0S (trigger particles) associated with
unidentified charged hadrons in the transverse momentum range 3 GeV/c < pT_assoc < pT_trig. The jet-like peak yield and width for different trigger strange particles are investigated as a function of pT_trig, pT_assoc and collision centrality.
Marek Bombara
(Pavol Jozef Safarik University (SK))
Peer reviewing
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