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Archives, Library and Open Science events

SpringerMaterials - the Landolt-Börnstein database: the comprehensive online resource for physical and chemical information

Library, 52 1-052 (CERN)

Library, 52 1-052



"SpringerMaterials - the Landolt-Börnstein database: the comprehensive online resource for physical and chemical information."
Stefan Scherer, Database Editor SpringerMaterials, Springer, Germany


SpringerMaterials is the most comprehensive online resource for physical
and chemical information. It is based on the "Landolt-Börnstein New
Series", the unique collection of critically evaluated data from all areas
of the physical sciences (chemistry, materials sciences and physics).
SpringerMaterials comprises to date content from 430 Landolt-Börnstein
volumes (including 45 volumes edited by Prof. Dr. Herwig Schopper from
CERN), the "Database on Inorganic Solid Phases", the most comprehensive
database on inorganic solid phases, the "Database on Thermophysical
Properties", a subset of the DDBST (Dortmund Data Bank Software &
Separation Technology), and comprehensive Chemical Safety Documents.

A community of over 1000 internationally renowned scientists has
assiduously evaluated the published scientific literature, and decided
which data to include in SpringerMaterials.

CERN scientists and engineers will benefit from the expertise of
SpringerMaterials' editors and authors and from the quality of the data.
They save time and money as they find the information and data they need
on a modern online platform.

Tea/coffee will be served at 14.45.