3–5 Jun 2013
University of New Mexico
US/Mountain timezone

Radiation-Induced Trap Spectroscopy in Si Bipolar Transistors and GaAs Diodes

3 Jun 2013, 09:20
Student Union Building (University of New Mexico)

Student Union Building

University of New Mexico

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA


Dr Robert M. Fleming (Sandia National Laboratories, , Albuquerque, NM 87185)


We have used deep level trap spectroscopy (DLTS) to study neutron, ion and electron induced traps in Si bipolar transistors and in GaAs diodes. We are specifically interested in the effects of defect clustering on transistor gain as well as correlation of specific defects with device gain.

Primary author

Dr Robert M. Fleming (Sandia National Laboratories, , Albuquerque, NM 87185)

Presentation materials