4:00 PM
Introduction & plans
- Prof.
Anders Ryd
(Cornell University (US))
4:05 PM
Status of the track trigger simulation
Nicola Pozzobon
(Universita e INFN (IT))
4:35 PM
TT working group: plans and timeline
Gaelle Boudoul
(Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
4:55 PM
Status of the muon simulation
- Prof.
Pierluigi Zotto
(Padova University and INFN)
Pierluigi Zotto
(Universita e INFN (IT))
5:15 PM
Status of simulation for the L1 TDR (phase 1 upgrade)
Dave Newbold
(University of Bristol (GB)) Dr
Jim Brooke
(University of Bristol (GB))