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    • 15:30 15:35
      Notes from last call 5m
      Brief notes from SRM Coordination meeting of Sep 17 2007 Present: J.Shiers (chair), H.Renshall (notes), J-P.Baud, P.Fuhrman, G.Oleynik, T.Cass Apologies: J.Gordon who sent in CASTOR report (attached at end). JDS mentioned one point from the minutes of the last meeting that most people thought that a 50% availability of developers for consultancy was optimistic. JDS said they had informed the LCG-LHCC Referees meeting of the draft castor/dcache site upgrades schedule and this is now attached to this meetings agenda. The referees are now in closed session. GO said that FNAL needed an additional resiliency feature for the dcache upgrade that is currently being worked on to make it more stable and it was expected to be available for the scheduled upgrade. JDS remarked that the referees noticed that the final (February 2008) full deployment of SRM 2.2 is close/overlaps to the start of FDR activities that intend to use it. GO said that at this time it will be tough to resolve all the sites SRM 2.2 problems immediately. PF followed that the later sites would probably delay if the earlier sites were having serious problems. GO thought that production testing at some sites should start now - there are only 4 working weeks in the US between Thanksgiving and Xmas - and this was generally agreed. JDS then reported a question from the referees that would CCRC'08 be restricted to sites that had the upgraded dcache? PF thought not as we would have to support SRM 1 and 2 at sites for some time but this could be discussed at the next GSSD. JDS proposed the next meeting focus on experiment testing and status. People are travelling next week so this will be in 2 weeks time unless there is urgent need. TNT raised some CASTOR issues that are stated in the attached report from J.Gordon and the final arising point was for JDS to check if the 'changeSpaceForFiles' functionality is only required by CMS. Harry Renshall Email Input from J.Gordon: Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 14:39:18 +0100 From: "Gordon, JC (John)" <> To: Subject: Castor SRM Progress The CASTOR SRM interface was supposed to deliver the changeSpaceForFiles, srmCopy & purgeFromSpace functions by the end of September. I would like to signal now that this deadline will not be met. The status for these functions isas follows a) srmCopy: the implementation is understood and the function could be delivered early in October if it is really required on this timescale. However, we prefer to deliver only in early November in order to allow time for a more elegant implementation. b) purgeFromSpace requires a Castor feature which has been added in version 2.1.4. The SRM function will become available with the general deployment of Castor 2.1.4 (expected to be shortly after the end of CSA07). c) More internal discussion is needed before we can start to implement changeSpaceForFiles, but we expect to make this function available before the end of the year. John Gordon
    • 15:35 15:55
      Status of Experiment Testing 20m
    • 15:55 16:00
      AOB 5m