11–14 Mar 2013
Saas Fee
Europe/Zurich timezone

Micro-CernVM: A Lightweight Virtual Linux Environment for ROOT6

11 Mar 2013, 19:00
Schweizerhof (Saas Fee)


Saas Fee


Jakob Blomer (CERN)


The next generation of the CernVM virtual appliance, called Micro-CernVM, will reduce the virtual image size and the amount of data that needs to be downloaded in order to bootstrap the virtual machine by at least an order of magnitude. The virtual machine image is only 10MB while the rest of the operating system is downloaded on demand and locally cached by CernVM-FS. As such, Micro-CernVM provides a viable alternative to cygwin in order to run ROOT6 on Windows. We will give a live demonstration of an early development version of Micro-CernVM running ROOT6 on Windows.



Gerardo Ganis (CERN) Ioannis Charalampidis (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (GR)) Predrag Buncic (CERN) Rene Meusel (CERN)

Presentation materials