15–18 Apr 2013
Portoroz, Slovenia
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

The MSSM in the decoupling limit

17 Apr 2013, 17:04
James Cook (Portoroz, Slovenia)

James Cook

Portoroz, Slovenia

Hotel Slovenija, Obala 33, 6320 Portoroz, Slovenia


Andreas Crivellin (University Bern)


In the first part of the talk I discuss the matching of the MSSM on the two-Higgs-doublet model with focus on the Yukawa interactions. The determination of the Yukawa couplings of the MSSM superpotential is explained and the recently computed NLO corrections to quark-quark-Higgs couplings are presented. The second part of the talk reviews the flavour phenomenology of the 2HDM with generic Yukawa interactions. I first discuss the constraints for FCNC processes and show that, respecting these constraints, the deviations from the SM expectations in the tauoinc B decays B->tau nu and B->D(^*)tau nu can be explained simultaneously.


Andreas Crivellin (University Bern)

Presentation materials