15–18 Apr 2013
Portoroz, Slovenia
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

b-> s transitions and Lattice QCD

18 Apr 2013, 09:00
James Cook (Portoroz, Slovenia)

James Cook

Portoroz, Slovenia

Hotel Slovenija, Obala 33, 6320 Portoroz, Slovenia


Dr Federico Mescia (Universitat de Barcelona)


This year, LHC provided a very stringent bound on Br(Bs->mu+mu-), bringing it closer to the value predicted by the Standard Model (SM). Bs->mu+mu- was believed to be the golden mode at LHCb to find SUSY because a large enhancement was expected in the regime of moderate and large values of tanb. Other scenarios are still possible and a correlation with other decay channels is needed. We show that a complementary information on New Physics (NP) can be obtained model-independently from the B-> K(*) l+l- decay mode. To this purpose, information from lattice QCD is needed to calculate the hadronic uncertainties entering b-> s sector.


Dr Federico Mescia (Universitat de Barcelona)

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