Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

14–15 Jan 2013
Europe/Zurich timezone
A technical workshop with experts from Mellanox targeted at understanding the potential of InfiniBand in HEP Trigger & DAQ systems.

Please register for the workshop (on left).

Workshop home page:

The workshop will have presentations and discussions on:
  • Introduction to Infiniband
  • Status of Infiniband technology (including relative to Ethernet) and what's coming in the next 3 years
  • The challenge of future DAQ systems
  • Current plans or use of Infiniband for DAQ in CBM (@Fair), CMS, LHCb and ALICE
  • InfinBand Technical topics:
    • InfinBand concepts and architectural details
    • Quality-of-Service, virtual lanes, and service levels
    • Flow control and congestion management
    • Software APIs
    • Network topologies and scalability in large systems, mixed IB and Ethernet systems
    • Network monitoring
There will be a workshop dinner Monday evening.
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In case the Vidyo direct link on this page does not work Go directly to the Vidyo portal: login with your CERN credentials then search for the room. If you type "Technical" in the search field it will offer you our workshop as the first item. Then you can simply 'join' the room.