BGV meeting #2

864/2-B14 - SALLE J.B.ADAMS (CERN)

864/2-B14 - SALLE J.B.ADAMS


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Second iteration on new project to realize an LHC beam shape imaging detector based on vertex reconstruction of beam-gas interactions. - Toy simulation with prototype and full detector - Gas target specifications - Outcome of investigations of BGI layout modifications in LS1 - Study of best location in the rings for final setup o wish smallest inner radius and largest beam size o need 3-4 meters long space for the gas target and detectors o how well is the beta-function controlled/measured in the given location ? (in the various beam modes) - ECR for space reservation - AOB * next meeting planning * news from LHCb detector search and availabilities (Massi) * creation of a BI twiki for info sharing ? (Plamen)