Katarzyna Poniatowska
(Warsaw University of Technology)
The main task of the Beam Energy Scan (BES) program at RHIC is to scan the QCD phase diagram with heavy-ion Au+Au collisions ( sqrt(s_NN) = 7.7 - 62.4GeV ) to find signatures for the 1st order phase transition and the critical point. Femtoscopy analysis allows us to extract information about size of the emission source. In particular, from the non-identical particles correlations, e.g. pion-kaon femtoscopy, one can obtain information about asymmetry in emission processes of pions and kaons. This asymmetry gives the knowledge of which type of particles is emitted first/second or/and from which area of the source. In this talk, we will present STAR data results of pion-kaon femtoscopy analysis at mid-rapidity in Au+Au collisions sqrt(s_NN) = 39GeV.
On behalf of collaboration: | STAR |
Katarzyna Poniatowska
(Warsaw University of Technology)