Soft and Hard interactions in proton-proton collisions at LHC energies

20 May 2014, 16:30
spectrum (darmstadtium)



Board: H-29
Poster Collective Dynamics Poster session


Sidharth Kumar Prasad (Wayne State University (US))


Non-diffractive proton-proton collisions can be classified into ``soft'' and ``hard'' (or ``semi-hard'') interactions, with hard (or semi-hard) interactions involving hard parton-parton interactions due to large momentum transfer resulting into jets, whereas interactions without a jet (or minijet) can be considered as soft interactions. Energy invariance in the properties of soft events (e.g. multiplicity, transverse momentum, and mean transverse momentum distributions) is observed at lower centre of mass energies [1,2]. We present a detailed study of the properties of soft and hard events at available LHC energies using various event generators. This study can further be extended to investigate the possibility of collectivity in proton-proton collisions at the LHC. Events are classified into soft and hard, based on presence of a jet. Sensitivity of various jet reconstruction algorithms ($k_{\rm T}$, $\rm anti-{{\it k}_T}$) and jet reconstruction parameters on the event classification are also investigated. [1] CDF Collaboration, Phys.~Rev.~D{\bf 65}, 072005 (2002). [2] Shengli Huang for the STAR Collaboration,\arXiv: nucl/Ex/0403038 (2004).


Sidharth Kumar Prasad (Wayne State University (US))

Presentation materials