4–6 Feb 2013
Universität Bonn
Europe/Berlin timezone

Radio transient searches

4 Feb 2013, 17:10
Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, 2nd floor (Universität Bonn)

Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, 2nd floor

Universität Bonn

Nussallee 12, 53115 Bonn


Evan Keane


I will review the various methods that have been used in the search for transient radio signals. After introducing the so-called "transient phase space", I will present the highlights of the discoveries from the past few years. Then, I shall focus on a number of as-yet-unexplained signals which might prove to be powerful cosmological probes. Next, I will review the known sources of transient radio emission, as well as speculating on theoretical possibilities, considering the observational evidence for these. I will conclude by looking at the very latest in search techniques as the community transitions from archival searches of single-telescope surveys towards real-time all-sky monitoring using vast telescope arrays.


Dr Evan Keane (MPIfR)

Presentation materials