Big Data in Astronomy / Astrophysics
- Jacek Becla (SLAC)
Alexei Klimentov
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
29/05/2013, 10:50
The LHC experiments are today at the leading edge of large scale distributed data-intensive computational science. The LHC's ATLAS experiment processes data volumes which are particularly extreme, over 130 PB to date, distributed worldwide at over of 120 sites. An important element in the success of the exciting physics results from ATLAS is the highly scalable integrated workflow and dataflow...
Mohand-Saïd Hacid
(LIRIS, Lyon 1 University)
29/05/2013, 11:10
In many scientific fields, such as physics, astronomy, biology or environmental science, the rapid evolution of data acquisition tools (e.g., sensors, satellites, cameras, telescopes) as well as the extensive use of computer simulations have led in recent years to an important production of data. Modern scientific applications are then facing with new problems that are primarily related to the...