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phone conference

28-R-006 for those at CERN (CERN)

28-R-006 for those at CERN


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    • 15:30 15:35
      Notes from last call 5m
      Brief notes from SRM Coordination meeting of Oct 8 2007 Present: J.Shiers (chair), H.Renshall (notes), J-P.Baud, F.Donno, T.Cass, J.Gordon, M.Crawford JS: The main topic was to understand where we are with experiment testing. FD: LHCb will have to redefine their schedule as the student assigned to this work must now finish his thesis. ATLAS have performed transfer tests to NDGF and CNAF (storm) with no problems but failed with IN2P3 and RAL is not yet ready for testing. ATLAS have also tried the high level lcg-utils and gfal CLI. The source at CERN is still SRM 1. SRM 2 is available but it is hard to change. J-PB: The direct python CLI is also available. JDS: Is there any reason from the experiment testing to change the production deployment schedule ? FD: Only that we will not have much experiment experience. JDS: That can be discussed at the Edinburgh workshop. I wonder if the dcache developers, due to upgrade FZK during the week of 5 November, will stay there if they have not completely finished or move on to the workshop ? We will also discuss CCRC'08 tomorrow and are proposing to use SRM 2.2 in February - maybe as a pre-condition to participate. It was agreed the next conf call would be on 22 October, 15.30.
    • 15:35 15:55
      Status of Experiment Testing 20m
    • 15:55 16:00
      AOB 5m