- Compact style
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
This is a draft agenda being discussed among OMII-Europe partners with the intention of being tailored for delivery in events during February/March 2008. No date for these events is fixed yet.
To see details of scheduled events, go to http://training.omii-europe.org/.
OMII-Europe is creating standards-based middleware components that will permit e-scientists to access resources runnning on grids that are based on any of the gLite, UNICORE, Globus or CROWN middleware. This course explains the concepts behind the OMII-Europe project, and gives experience of using the components.
This one-day course will interest application developers who need grid interoperabillity - for example, to run high-performance applications on UNICORE/DEISA and trivially parallelisable applications on gLite/EGEE; to access data resources across grids via OGSA-DAI. It will also interest creators of higher middleware services - for example, brokers.
It is assumed that participants will be familiar with the concepts of grid computing. An extended course can be arranged if this is not the case.
The goals of the course are to permit developers to begin to plan for use of the interoperable components provided by OMII-Europe, and to accomplish this by giving participants:
to be determined: date. location
This draft agenda will be tailored for different events, and will also be revised in the light of dates of events and the release schedule fo components