24–26 Apr 2013
Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics
Europe/London timezone

A Simple Holographic Model of the Conformal Window and the Techni-Dilaton

25 Apr 2013, 11:00
Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics

Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics

School of Physics and Astronomy University of Edinburgh Edinburgh EH9 3JZ United Kingdom




I present a simplified holographic model of chiral symmetry breaking in gauge theory. The chiral condensate is represented by a single scalar field in AdS, with the gauge dynamics input through radial dependence of its mass, representing the running of the anomalous dimension of the qbar q operator. Simple examples display the key elements of the chiral transition out of the conformal window - a BKT/Miransky scaling transition when the infrared value of the anomalous dimension, gamma_m, is tuned to one). The output of the model are the masses of the qbar q scalar meson bound states. I show in an explicit example that if the gradient of the running of the anomalous dimension falls to zero at the scale where the BF bound violation occurs, so that the theory becomes near conformal, then the theory possesses a techni-dilaton state that is parametrically lighter than the dynamically generated quark mass.

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