Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

5 March 2013
Europe/Zurich timezone
During the past decades, CERN has been gathering and storing enormous amount of data. We cannot obviate that most of the times this process is costly in terms of technical and human resources. It is a fact, however, that the exploitation of the collected data, in other words, the extraction of potential benefits from our data investments, has been pushed into the background or has been placed on the bottom of our priorities. Data is the new soil and therefore it requires nurturing, enriching and managing. Obviously this will require some additional efforts, at the same time it is also clear that those efforts will generate important value. The data analytics forum will aim to change the current situation and demonstrate how small investments in data analytics can lead to big benefits. We will focus on discovering potential problems that can be resolved using analytics techniques, introducing current analytics approaches applied at CERN and motivating best practices.
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