Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Those wishing to present a contribution(s) should submit an Abstract(s) electronically to Organizing Committee before July 15, 2013.

Guidelines: one page Latex 2e, Times New Roman 14 pt., the title centered at the top of the page (bold type), one empty line, authors' names (centered), affiliation and complete address (centered), one empty line, text of abstract. The name of the person presenting the contribution should be underlined and supplied by an e-mail address (in a footnote). Margins of 2.5 cm should be applied. Tables and black and white figures or drawings are possible, if unavoidable. Final version in the Book of Abstracts will be reduced to A5 format. The Program Committee will decide about the acceptance of contributions by August 1, 2013. The authors will be informed about acceptance (oral or poster) of their contributions after August 1, 2013. The information concerning a poster format will be available on the symposium website.

A LaTeX2e class file together with short example is available to help authors prepare abstract. Download

How to submit an abstract:

  1. Login to INDICO, if you not logged in at this time
  2. Click "Submit a new abstract"
  3. Enter Title
  4. Enter Abstract (contents of LaTeX file or type "see attachment(s)")
  5. Specify Oral Presentation, Poster or Invited
  6. Attach the files for your Abstract, if necessary
  7. Select one and only one Track/Category
  8. Enter the primary author’s name. First try to search the user database. Add new name if name not found. You can enter more than one name and you can specify one of the primary authors as a presenter.
The call for abstracts is closed.