CMS LS1 WPA meeting for the installation of the 20t platform - Z end

530/R-030 - BE-EA Conference Room (CERN)

530/R-030 - BE-EA Conference Room


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Hay David, Wolfram Zeuner (CERN)
This meeting is designed to assess and review the risks associated with the installation of the 20t platform - Z end.
  • Alexandre Surkov
  • Aurelie Maurisset
  • David Hay
  • Eric Dugue
  • Hubert Gerwig
  • Maf Alidra
  • Marc Favre
  • Michel Arnaud
  • Nebojsa Smiljkovic
  • Pascal Petiot
  • Patrick Lepeule
  • Wolfram Zeuner
  1. WP Supervisor (M.Favre) to complete the ACT work package 2046 with the names of the field crew personnel.
  2. CMS to document the 20t platform installation procedure.
  3. A.Surkov to send electronically the drawings shown to dhay for general distribution.
  4. A.Surkov must be present and requires access authorisation to the UXC55 during the 20t installation process. Action Wolfram.
  5. M.Favre to calculate the minimum distance from the crane hook to the beam pipe during the installation of the platform. P.Lepeule would accept a maximum tolerance of 200mm.
  6. Survey to mark the exact position of the gasprom support before assembly. Action Aurelie.
  7. The gasprom support structure must be placed in its final position before the installation of the platform.
  8. Centralise the platform to the gasprom support as indicated in the drawing.

Second meeting held on Tuesday 26th March

1. Supply a second set of rollers. E.Dugue.
2. Check that the gasprom platform can be transported to the cavern via the TX54. E.Dugue.
3. Prepare a dummy run in the SX5 assembly hall to verify and fine tune the procedure suggested by M.Arnaud. E.Dugue
4. Document the installation process. E.Dugue?
5. Design and fabricate alternative supports for the adjustment of the main 20t platform. H.Gerwig.
6. The platform will be construction to the same parameters s in 2008/2009. Boki to supply the build sequence. 

Future 20t platform installations.
1. Fabricate in readiness, supports for the adjustment of 20t platform + the screw jacks/shims for the gasprom platform (reference presentation A.Surkov).  
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 14:00 14:30
      Installation of the 20t platform -Z end
      Convener: Alexandre Surkov (University of Wisconsin (US))
      20t platform A.Surkov
      Access platform
    • 14:30 15:00
      Installation of the 20t platform: Photo sequence
      Convener: Eric Dugue (CERN)
      20t platform photo's E.Dugue
      Link 2