Anatoly Rozenfeld
1. Introduction to Solid State microdosimetry
2. Electronic , calibration and sensitivity of Si microdosimeter
2.1. Comparison of TEPC to Si-microdosimeter
3. Concept and design of Silicon on Insulator (SOI) microdosimeters
3.1. Three generation of SOI microdosimeters
3.2.Charge collection in Sensitive Volumes (SV) of SOI microdosimeters
4.Application of SOI microdosimeters
4.1.Radiation protection (Cf-252 and Pu-Be Sources)
4.2.Hadron Therapy
4.2.1.Fast Neutron Therapy (FNT)
4.2.2.Proton Therapy (PT)
4.2.3.Heavy Ion Therapy.(HIT)
4.2.4. LEM vs MKM –SOI microdosimetry experience
5. 3D detector technology-future of Si microdosimetry.
5.1.Pecularities of charge collection in 3D Si detectors
5.2.Concept and design of 3D Si microdosimeter.
5.3.GEANT 4 modeling of 3D microdosimeter (avionics environment, isotopic neutron sources)
6. Other Si microdosimetric structures (DRAM , FGMOSFET etc)
7. Conclusion and tips for thinking on new Si microdosimeters design
Primary author
Anatoly Rozenfeld