e-Science and "The Grid" for Bio/Health Informaticians
IT 407
University of Manchester
The Northwest Institute for Bio-Health Informatics and the training teams from the UK's National Grid Service and the EU-funded OMII-Europe project invite you to participate in their introductory course about e-Science technologies for bio and health informaticians in the UK. This ‘hands-on’ course is aimed at those who are interested in exploring the potential of grid computing to enhance their life sciences or health research.
With an emphasis on application to the Bio/Health domain, this course has been designed to:
- Reveal and explain the architecture of Grids. Grids provide infrastructure for collaboration, by permitting resources such as computers, data, software to be orchestrated across and between research communities that span different organisations.
- Explore the potential for established grids and e-science technologies to enhance research.
- Communicate an understanding of how to exploit Grids
The course focuses on technologies and infrastructures that are in production use at different scales (project, national, international), and then explores progress towards what has sometimes been called “The Grid.”
Audience and pre-requisites The course is primarily intended for informaticians, members of research projects who are responsible for creating and deploying software applications for the bio/health domains. Although prior experience of command-line or file editing using Linux will be useful in a minority of the practicals, this is not an essential pre-requisite.
Teaching outcomes In this course attendees will:- Learn and understand the concepts and architecture of Grids including the UK’s National Grid Service (NGS) and the EU’s EGEE infrastructures.
- Learn how e-Science technologies have been applied in the Bio/Health domain
- Gain hands on experience using a variety of software, including for:
- Workflow (with Taverna and also P-GRADE)
- Computation on Grids
- Data management on Grids
- Gain insight into the challenges of using the technologies
A campus map can be found here. Kilburn is building number 39, in the centre of the map. For more general information see here.
(This building can be seen from the main road - "Kilburn Building")Costs For participants from a UK University or related institution the course is free.
Registration Please register here.
The following agenda is subject to minor amendment.
A booklet will be provided on the day, but material that has changed since printing or is not in the booklet will be available from the NIBHI website.