9:00 AM
The role of particles in medical therapy
Manjit Dosanjh
10:00 AM
The role of simulations in a technical society
John Apostolakis
11:00 AM
Science, technologie, coopération internationale: l'aventure du LHC
Philippe Lebrun
12:00 PM
From student to scientist: opportunities for working at CERN
Eva Tolosa
(Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))
Laura Saulnier
1:00 PM
La médecine et les détecteurs
Etiennette Auffray Hillemanns
2:00 PM
Computer security, internet privacy: what should we worry about?
Sebastian Lopienski
3:00 PM
What does the Higgs boson eat during the winter and other basic facts
Pauline Gagnon
(Indiana University (US))
4:00 PM
Computing: a view of the future
Markus Schulz
5:00 PM
The influence of High Energy Physics on the Arts
Ariane Koek
6:00 PM
What does the eye tell the brain? From the Higgs boson to neural systems and retinal prosthesis
Alan Litke
(University of California,Santa Cruz (US))