Fons De Waele
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
07/07/2014, 11:00
John Weisand
(European Spallation Source)
07/07/2014, 11:01
Pascal Tixador
(CNRS - Grenoble)
07/07/2014, 11:02
08/07/2014, 09:00
Plenary Oral (45min)
The need for cryogenic cooling in space has become of increasing importance with time. In many space sciences projects cryogenic detectors are essential for the accomplishment of the scientific objectives. Several other components such as the optics can benefit from a cryogenic cooling which reduces the radiative loading on the detectors. The current trend in space cryogenic is to develop...
(Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
08/07/2014, 09:45
Plenary Oral (45min)
In Japan, both attainments of CO2 emission reduction and energy security are the very important social issues after Fukushima Daiichi accident. On the other hand, fuel cell vehicles utilizing pure hydrogen will be on the market in 2015. It is anticipated that hydrogen consumption in Japan will exceed domestic production capability in the next decade. From these backgrounds, Japanese...
Alexander Usoskin
(Bruker HTS GmbH), Mr
Tim Bubelis
(Bruker HTS GmbH)
08/07/2014, 11:00
Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) was implemented in processing of high quality coated conductors of long length. Experimental data on YBCO coated conductor (CC) tapes with a length up to 200 m processed employing a multi-beam PLD (MB-PLD) technique with a throughput up to 40m/hour are presented. The YBCO films were deposited onto stainless steel substrate tapes preliminary coated with bi-axially...
08/07/2014, 11:00
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Invited Oral (30min)
Nowadays the worldwide market of He3 isotope is under strong crisis. The new technologies of radiological and nuclear materials detectors as well as science, industrial and medicine applications required a large amount of this helium isotope. On the other hand, a production of the nuclear weapon, which 3He is a by-product, is successively reduced last decades. Therefore to meet the 3He market...
Dmytro Abraimov
08/07/2014, 11:30
In order to successfully use (Re)BCO conductor in the 32T all-superconducting user magnet, a variety of its properties should be controlled in the required 10 km of tape within specific tolerances defined by the coil design. So far we have evaluated short samples from more than 102 conductor 60-110 m piece lengths, each manufactured by SuperPower Inc. We observe only a small variability of...
(RIKEN,Yokohama,Japan;Chiba University,Chiba,Japan)
08/07/2014, 11:30
A screening current induced in REBCO superconducting layers during coil charging and causes several problems such as hysteresis effect of the central magnetic field and reduction in the central magnetic field intensity. These are critical problems for superconducting coil systems such as NMR. The present work systematically investigated reduction effect of the screening current-induced field...
Maoqiong Gong
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
08/07/2014, 11:30
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
The mixed-gases Joule-Thomson (J-T) refrigerator driven by oil-lubricated compressor has many merits, such as high reliability, low cost, high efficiency with optimized design. For many applications, the size and weight are crucial factors for the system design. Miniature J-T coolers, especially those open cycle coolers using high-pressure pure nitrogen for infrared devices cooling, have...
Masayoshi Inoue
(Kyushu University)
08/07/2014, 11:45
For the improvement of Jc in rare-earth based superconducting coated conductor (CC), it is well established that highly oriented substrate is required because Jc across grain boundaries decreases significantly with increase of grain boundary angles. Typical value of the in-plane misalignment of Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IBAD) substrate is around 3$^\circ$ where intra-grain Jc is almost the...
Yingzhe Wu
(University of Twente)
08/07/2014, 11:45
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
METIS is the ‘Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph’ for the European Extremely Large Telescope that will cover the thermal/mid-infrared wavelength range from 3 – 14 micron. Starting from a pumped nitrogen line at 70K, it requires cryogenic cooling of detectors and optics at 40K (1.4 W), 25K (1.1 W), and 8K (0.4 W). A vibration-free cooling technology for this instrument based on sorption...
Agnieszka Piotrowska
(Wroclaw University of Technology)
08/07/2014, 12:00
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
Joule-Thomson (J-T) cryo-coolers working in closed cycles and supplied with gas mixtures are the subject of intensive research in different laboratories. The replacement of pure nitrogen by nitrogen-hydrocarbon mixtures allows to improve both thermodynamic parameters and economy of the refrigerators. It is possible to avoid high pressures in the heat exchanger and to use standard...
Chao Zhou
(University of Twente, Faculty of Science & Technology, 7522 NB Enschede, The Netherlands)
08/07/2014, 12:00
For fusion superconductors in high magnet fields with currents in the order of 50 kA, single ReBCO coated conductors must be assembled in a cable geometry where combined torsion, axial and transverse loading states are anticipated in the tapes and tape joints. Axial and transverse loading, caused by differential thermal contraction and electromagnetic forces, may affect the transport...
Haishan Cao
(University of Twente)
08/07/2014, 12:15
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
A major issue in long-term operation of micromachined Joule-Thomson coolers is the clogging of the microchannels and/or the restriction due to the deposition of water molecules present in the working fluid. To verify which microcooler design is the least sensitive to clogging, the operating times of various microcoolers with a cold-end temperature of 120 K are compared. In these experiments,...
Akiko Saito
(Toshiba corporation)
08/07/2014, 12:30
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
Active magnetic regenerative (AMR) refrigeration is well established concept of magnetic refrigeration which can generate a large temperature difference between both ends of a regenerator (AMR bed) by accumulating a lot of small temperature changes on every piece of magnetocaloric materials. In the AMR cycle, the magnetocaloric material and heat transfer fluid work collaboratively to...
Wilfried Goldacker
(Institute for Technical Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany)
08/07/2014, 12:30
The high temperature REBCO coated conductor development is progressing in available conductor length and current capacity performance. Such conductors are available commercially and are used in an increasing number of applications. The application in large superconducting magnets (fusion) or high current windings (generators, motors) requires high current carrying conductors with low AC...
Tomone Suwa
(Japan Atomic Enrgy Agency)
08/07/2014, 12:45
Japan Atomic Energy Agency is procuring all of theNb3Sn cable-in-conduit conductors for ITER Central Solenoid (CS). The CS conductor cable consists of 576 Nb3Sn strands of which diameter are 0.83 mm, 288 Cu strands, a central spiral and stainless steel wraps around the cable. The current sharing temperature (Tcs) of CS conductors with normal-twist-pitch cables degraded with electromagnetic...
Sergey Riabzev
08/07/2014, 12:45
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
Joule-Thomson (JT) cryocoolers operate with a continuous flow of the working fluid that enters the cooler at a high pressure and leaves it at a lower pressure. Ideally, the temperature of the outgoing fluid equals the temperature of the entering fluid. JT cryocoolers that operate with pure refrigerants require high pressure of a few tens of MPa where the low pressure is usually around 0.1 MPa....
Kyoko Yanagisawa
(RIKEN,Chiba Uneversity)
08/07/2014, 12:45
The major advantage of REBCO coils is their capability for high current density operation, typically >250 A/mm2. However, if a thermal runaway happens at such a high current density, a hot spot quickly exceeds hazardous temperatures, >300 K, resulting in permanent damage to the coil winding. This is the most serious problem for high-current density REBCO coils and a protection method is...
Yasuharu Kamioka
(ColdTech Associates)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Poster presentation (105min)
The cooling system is a key component for realizing practical HTS applications. Even if the HTS application is ready for commercial use today, its cooling system is still experimental stage. There are several test sites of HTS cables but these cooling systems are not suited for practical applications. It is the same case with other HTS applications such as motors, generators and power systems....
Sjoerd Van der Putte
(Demaco Holland bv)
08/07/2014, 14:15
In February 2013 Demaco was awarded with the contract for the design, manufacture and delivery of 1800 meter vacuum insulated transfer lines for the Skangass LNG terminal Lysekil, Sweden. Besides delivery of LNG to Preem’s refinery, a truck loading facility is built in connection to the terminal. The terminal will also become an important hub for distribution of LNG as fuel for ships.
A shift...
Luis Gomez Palacin
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
This work deals with the optimal management of a cryogenic plant composed by refrigeration plants in parallel, which provide supercritical helium to pulsed heat loads. First, different strategies to estimate the efficiency of each refrigerator are analyzed. Then, taking into account these efficiencies, an optimal operation of the cryoplant is proposed and studied. It ensures a long and stable...
Liudmila Potanina
(Russia Scientific R&D Cable Institute (JSC VNIIKP))
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
The study of defects generated in superconducting filaments of Nb3Sn strands under electromagnetic and thermal cycling was carried out for the TFRF3 cable-in-conduit-conductor (CICC) sample passed final testing at the SULTAN test facility. The TFRF3 sample was manufactured from the qualification RF toroidal field CICC. The strand samples were taken from different locations in cross–section of...
Isabel Catarino
(CEFITEC, Departamento de Física, FCT - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal)
08/07/2014, 14:15
A gas gap heat switch (GGHS) reaches its highest conductance state when the gap between two exchange surfaces is filled with a conducting gas in a viscous regime. The broader the surface and the thinner the gap, the higher the ON conductance achieved. In this presentation we describe a very thin cold gas gap heat switch based upon the use of the differential thermal expansion of the...
Karunanithi Rangasamy
(Indian Institute of Science)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
The cryogen level measurement for space missions is very crucial. At the same time, the weight of the sensor should be less because the payload fraction would be reduced; resulting in increase in the mission cost. An attempt was made to develop HTS based level sensor of 400 mm for LOX measurement. In the initial phase of testing, the sensor goes to normal state due to increase in temperature...
Junjie Wang
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, TIPC, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
The VM refrigerator with power being supplied by liquid nitrogen shows great potential for development below 10K. The 2D axisymmetric model refers to actual geometry under oscillating flow conditions is carried out using FLUENT software. The coldest temperature, the pressure in three cavities, the temperature profile along the regenerator, and the overall cooling power are present. The...
Chao Zhou
(University of Twente, Faculty of Science & Technology, 7522 NB Enschede, The Netherlands)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
Aiming for a better quantitative description of superconducting strand degradation in large ITER Cable In Conduit Conductors (CICC), the electromagnetic-mechanical modeling of strain-sensitive Nb3Sn strands and full-size CICCs is essential. A numerical strand model is built based on accurate intra-strand resistance data, computed spatial filament strain distribution and experimentally obtained...
Andrew Rys
(Kansas State University)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-12: Various applications of superconductors
Poster presentation (105min)
Electronic circuits generally perform well at moderately cold temperatures, but can show interesting and negative behaviors as extreme cryogenic regimes are reached. This paper looks at the performance of Silicon-on-Sapphire (SOS) and selected commercial silicon devices operating to temperatures at and below the freezing point of nitrogen. While expected freeze-out behavior is observed...
Ruud Van der Woude
(Demaco Holland bv)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Demaco was awarded with the contract for the design, manufacturing and installation of the Accelerator Module Test Facility (AMTF) for XFEL at DESY, Hamburg.
The scope consisted of a Sub-cooler Box XASB, a Valve Box XAVB and all interconnecting multiple Helium Transfer Lines. The instrumentation was part of the responsibility and based on the specifications of DESY.
For Temperature...
Shuichiro Fuchino
(National Institute of Industrial Science and Technology)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Poster presentation (105min)
The wind energy sector is one of the main energy sources concerned with environment and energy. However a particular trend is increasing turbine ratings, this trend causes the increase of the nacelle weigh. To solve this problem, superconducting wind turbine generators have the potential to provide a compact and light weight drive train. Nevertheless of these advantages, the cryogenic system...
Kwanwoo Nam
(ITER Korea, NFRI)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
Thermal Shield (TS) in the ITER tokamak cuts off the radiation heat load from the vacuum vessel/cryostat transferring to the magnets operating at 4.5 K. The TS will be cooled down by 80 K helium gas supplied from the cryoplant. The helium goes through the cooling tubes attached on the TS. The TS consists of a lot of panels, which are to be connected by bolted joints. The panels have their own...
Zhengyu Li
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Self-heating of resistance thermometers is a well-known phenomenon, which occurs when the measuring current additionally heats up the sensing element.The temperature difference caused by the self-heating can be corrected by basic two-current method. However, in measurements of the highest accuracy, uncertainty of the self-heating correction, achieved by basic two-current method, may not be...
Masaru Tomita
(Railway Technical Research Institute)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Poster presentation (105min)
DC electric railway systems are widely used in Japan, including in the metropolitan areas. However, they have some problems, such as limited use of regenerative brakes and energy loss. In order to solve those problems and in the aim of streamlining and saving of energy of power system in DC electric railway systems, Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI) has developed superconducting...
Yury Filippov
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
This report presents long-term experience in cryodiagnostics of superconducting accelerators cooled with two-phase helium flows. It concerns: resistive temperature (T) sensors for wide applications including the magnetic field and irradiation environments, their calibration system and features to mount these sensors; RF-void fraction (VF) sensors and set-up to calibrate them; a discrete...
Anna Frolova
(Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
NbTi superconductors are traditionally produced by a process, which comprises many stages. It is characterized by large true strain, as well as high energy, labor and time consumption.
A combining severe plastic deformation by rolling (SPDR) with pulse current for various kinds of materials leads to a decrease in flow stresses and microstructure refinement, as well as to improvement of the...
Jianqin Zhang
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
With the development of superconducting accelerators, a massive increase of helium is needed for the superconducting equipment of the Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System in the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP-ADS). Since the cryogenic system requires a high standard of helium purity, a helium purification system will be built to use helium efficiently and circularly. The purifier is...
Guoping Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Construction of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) started in October 2011 and is expected to last 6.5 years. Supercritical hydrogen is used as moderator for coupled and decoupled moderators of CSNS. Cryogenic system provides ~20 K cryogenic hydrogen (at 1.5 MPa) to neutron moderating system, and nuclear heating load is transfer to the helium refrigerator by the circulation of...
Kim Heesun
(Korea electric power corporation)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Poster presentation (105min)
The superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) is an electric power device which limits the fault current immediately in a power grid. Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) has been developing a 154 kV, 2 kA SFCL since 2011 to protect power grids from increasing fault current and improve stability and quality of electric power. This SFCL adopts 2G YBCO wires and operates at 71 K and 5...
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
At the J-PARC, supercritical hydrogen with a pressure of 1.5 MPa and a temperature below 20 K is used as a moderator material to provide a pulsed cold neutron beam. The J-PARC cryogenic hydrogen system provides the supercritical hydrogen to three moderators and removes total nuclear heating of 3.75 kW for a 1-MW proton beam operation. A heater and a cryogenic accumulator with bellows structure...
Tao Yan
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
Abstract. A 40L/h Helium Liquefier is established at the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. A measurement and control system based on Siemens PLC S7-300 for this Helium Liquefier is developed. Proper sensors are selected, for example, three types of transmitters are adopted respectively according to detailed temperature measurement requirements. Siemens...
Mingyao Xu
(Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
A compact 2K Gifford-McMahon (GM) cryocooler has been developed for cooling electronic devices, such as Superconducting Single Photo Detectors. The heat exchangers, regenerators are optimized with the simulation method developed for 4K GM cryocoolers. After optimizing, the cylinder length is reduced by about 80 mm compared with a commercial 0.1W 4K GM cryocooler. With no load on the second...
Yumoto Kenta
(Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.,)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
Abstract. Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. (SHI) developed a high power stirling type pulse tube cryocooler for the purpose of cooling high-temperature superconductor (HTS) devices, such as superconductor motor, SMES and current fault limiter. The experimental results of a prototype pulse tube cryocooler were reported in September 2014. For a U type expander, the cooling capacity was 151 W at...
Shiran Bao
(Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, P. R. China)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The demands for industrial gases are increasing rapidly. It is of great importance to further reduce the energy consumption and cut down the unit cost for gases, in particular for the large-scale air separation systems, which mainly depends on cryogenic distillation. However, since the air separation device itself technical limitations, it is challenging to significantly improve the efficiency...
Thomas M. Kochenburger
(Institute of Technical Thermodynamics and Refrigeration, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Poster presentation (105min)
High temperature superconducting devices are currently tested worldwide in many pilot projects for the efficient transportation of electrical energy. Primary cooling down to 65 – 70 K is mostly achieved by either subatmospheric liquid nitrogen, by closed cycle turbo-Brayton plants or by batteries of Stirling cryocoolers. In order to increase the current density in the superconductors, a...
Takaaki Morie
(Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
4 K GM cryocoolers have been widely used for cooling superconducting magnets, such as, magnets in MRI systems. When an MRI system is operated, superconducting magnets generate a high magnetic field. Accordingly, 4K GM cryocoolers, which are installed in the MRI system, are inevitably exposed to the magnetic field. Especially, the heat capacity of the magnetic regenerator materials and the...
Laurent Jean Tavian
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
Beginning of year 2013, after the first three years of operation, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was progressively emptied from helium and warmed up to the ambient temperature in order to perform during its first long shutdown all necessary consolidation and maintenance of different technical systems. During the warm-up, six helium leaks were declared on the cryogenic distribution line (QRL)....
Thomas Richter
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ( campus North))
08/07/2014, 14:15
The use of High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) magnets has increased in recent years in many applications due to its chances of achieving high current carrying capacity and the possibility of avoiding the HTS cooling by costly, less available liquid helium. While most of the applications aimed at liquid nitrogen coolant, some special applications like HTS Generator, for example, use liquid...
Kazuma Maekawa
(Kobe University)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
Hydrogen energy is attracting attention as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels and nuclear power. In the storage and transport of a huge quantity of hydrogen on the sea, liquid hydrogen (LH2) is very effective because its density is about 788 times that of gaseous hydrogen ( 273 K, 1 atm). We are currently developing an external-heating-type superconducting magnesium diboride (MgB2)...
Christine Hoa
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
Superconducting magnets are subjected to large variations of heat loads due to the cycling operation of tokamaks. The cryogenic system shall operate smoothly to extract the pulsed heat load by circulating supercritical helium into the coils and structures. However the value of the total heat loads and its temporal variation are not known before the plasma scenario starts. A real-time heat...
Czeslaw Fluder
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
The control system of the cryogenic in the LHC tunnel is based on an automatic approach for the control software production process due to its overall complexity. Consequently, an extensive use of various IT technologies - databases, repositories, commercial engineering software, CERN frameworks and dedicated tools are required. The software development is partially automatized, however, every...
Hiroshi Ikeda
(University of Tsukuba)
08/07/2014, 14:15
The operating conditions of internal purifiers of commercial helium liquefiers are determined by the adjustment of the cold end temperature, the cold flow, the regeneration completion temperature and the heater temperature.
By changing the cold end temperature of the purifier from 32.5 K to 22 K, the purity of the recovered gas is improved from 33% to 99%, The current regulation values for...
Maciej Chorowski
(Wroclaw University of Technology)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Poster presentation (105min)
Development of oxy-combustion technology requires relatively low purity oxygen (90 - 95% O2) in quantities exceeding the present oxygen production by orders of magnitude. Oxygen of the required purity level can be produced in cryogenic or sorption plants. Both technologies can be coupled with thermal power plants electrically or thermally. The exemplary coupling methods include use of...
Xiujuan Xie
(1Key Lab of Cryogenics, Technical nstitute of Physics and Chemistry Chinese Academny of Science)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
In order to simulate the transient behaviors of a newly developed 2kW helium refrigerator, numerical models of the critical equipments, including a screw compressor with variable-frequency drive, plate-fin heat exchangers, a turbine expander, and pneumatic valves were developed. Meanwhile the related control strategies were involved. To validate these models, dynamic simulation was set to...
Vladimir Vyatkin
(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-12: Various applications of superconductors
Poster presentation (105min)
The structure of the inner conductor of the innovative superconducting DC cable has been discussed and we proposed the optimum structure in which superconducting tapes were arranged to decrease the Lorentz force in local magnetic field. However, the design of the outer shield conductor of the cable that applies the axial magnetic field to the inner conductor by the back current has not been...
Dongli Liu
(Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
The hybrid space cryocooler consists of a Stirling or pulse tube cryocooler, serving as a precooler, and a J-T loop. With the high efficiency, compact structure, long service life, and remote cold head which can be isolated from vibration or electromagnetic interference, it has been employed by several space missions to provide the liquid helium temperature environment for the detectors. These...
Kyung Hyun Gwak
(Hong Ik University)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Poster presentation (105min)
Plate-fin heat exchangers are designed and fabricated for an integrated cryogenic system, serving for a 10 kW Brayton cryocooler and a 1 km HTS cable under development in Korea. The main heat exchanger is a counter-flow recuperator between high-pressure and low-pressure helium of the Brayton cooler, and the second heat exchanger is a sub-cooler of liquid nitrogen that circulates through the...
Kiyosumi Tsuchiya
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
We have been developing Nb3Al wires processed by a rapid heating and quenching for a number of years as a promising candidate for use in future high-field accelerator magnets. These wires have better strain and stress tolerance than Nb3Sn wires. However, to meet the demands for future accelerator magnet designs, it is necessary to enhance the performance of Nb3Al wires, particularly their...
Koichi Omachi
(Graduate School of Engineering, Okayama University of Science)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Poster presentation (105min)
We have been developing a cryogen-free superconducting induction motor, which is thermally insulated in a single vacuum vessel, which ensures a high thermal insulation and a short distance between stator and rotator. High temperature superconducting coils are embedded in both the stator and the rotator, and the stator is cooled below the critical temperature Tc with a compact cryocooler...
Yanzhong Li
(Xi'an Jiaotong University)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
In this paper, a novel single-column air separation process is proposed to reduce energy consumption through the implementation of thermal pump technique and introduction of LNG cold-energy. Compared with conventional double-column cryogenic process, the new single-column distillation utilizes a nitrogen compressor acting as a thermal pump, which recuperates both the latent and sensible heat...
Kostyantyn Yagotyntsev
(University of Twente, Faculty of Science & Technology, 7522 NB Enschede, The Netherlands)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
Each strand-cable-jacket combination of ITER magnet conductor will undergo a characterization in which the AC losses are evaluated as a function of mechanical load cycling, to simulate the expected Lorentz loading during the lifetime of the magnet. A first series of ITER conductor tests with the press have commenced on Cable In Conduit Conductors (CICCs) manufactured at different ITER Domestic...
Kota Yamaguchi
(Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Poster presentation (105min)
A thermosyphon application is considered to be a choice to cool down superconducting rotating machines. The thermosyphon cooling system by using neon gas in the temperature range of 25 K to 40 K has been tested in laboratories, since it possesses advantages of large capacity of heat transport, less complicated construction, and smaller volume. Applying the
thermosyphon cooling system to HTS...
Laifeng Li
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,CAS (P.R. China))
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-12: Various applications of superconductors
Poster presentation (105min)
Since the 1980s, superconducting magnets have been adopted in the high-gradient magnet separation (HGMS) systems. In recent years, the use of HGMS has become widespread in diverse industries ranging from waste water purification of steel production to coal desulfurization. Here, we introduce basic concepts of magnetic separation and design parameters of the magnetic coils. The analysis of the...
Xiujuan Xie
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
Minor losses around the thermoacoustic parallel stack in the oscillatory flow conditions are one of the main factors influencing on the efficiency of the thermoacoustic systems. In this paper, a two-dimension model of a single stack in a standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator is setup. The acoustic characteristics including oscillating pressure, volume flow rate and impedance of the...
Christine Darve
(European Spallation Source)
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is one of Europe's largest research infrastructures, to bring new insights to the grand challenges of science and innovation in fields as diverse as material and life sciences, energy, environmental technology, cultural heritage, solid-state and fundamental physics by the end of the decade. The collaborative project is funded by a collaboration of 17...
08/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
Applications of thermoacoustic engine are not limited to driving the pulse tube cryocooler. Performance of thermoscousitc engine is governed by various design parameters like type of resonator, stack geometry, frequency, type of working gas etc. and various operating parameters like heat input, charging pressure etc. It is very important to arrive at an optimum configuration of the engine for...
Hirofumi Watanabe
(Chubu University, R&D partnership for Ishikari Superconducting DC Power Transmission System (i-SPOT))
08/07/2014, 14:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Poster presentation (105min)
Superconducting power transmission systems have been developed intensively and applied to actual power grids at several places in the world in recent years. This is because the system is recognized as one of the most efficient ways of power transmission in the world. In Japan a DC superconducting power transmission project, which consists of construction and operation of two DC superconducting...
Transverse pressure dependence of the critical current in Nb3Sn Rutherford cables up to 200 MPa
Peng Gao
(University of Twente)
08/07/2014, 14:15
The transverse pressure dependence of the critical current in various Nb3Sn Rutherford cables is reported. CERN has prepared for the 11 T so-called Dispersion Suppression (DS) dipole magnets constructed in the frame of the LHC luminosity upgrade, cables from different types of strand either with or without AC-loss suppressing central core. Since Nb3Sn is a brittle material and the Lorentz...
Andreas Janzen
(Karlsruher Institut of Technology - Institute of Technical Thermodynamics and Refrigeration (ITTK))
08/07/2014, 14:15
A new thermal method for flow measurement in cryogenic systems was recently published, featuring the capability for intrinsic calibration. The new method minimizes the differences between two physically exact evaluation functions for the flow rate, which are based on the same input parameters, i.e. the measurement readings of temperature differences and heater power of a heat exchanger. The...
Yoshinori Ono
08/07/2014, 16:00
M-10: Metallic and composite materials processing and properties
Invited Oral (30min)
Tensile and high-cycle fatigue properties of Alloy 718 10 mm-thickness plate and its welded joint were investigated at 293 K and 77 K in this study. The welded joint for the plate was manufactured using electron beam welding (EBW) and followed by a solution treatment and a conventional double aging. After these heat treatments, the hardness of the welded zone became about HV470 same as that of...
Richard Epstein
(ThermoDynamic Films, LLC)
08/07/2014, 16:00
Compact, vibration-free solid-state refrigerators, are ideal for cooling infrared sensors, gamma-ray spectrometers and other cryogenic electronics. Such coolers could be integrated into these devices, eliminating the need for liquid cryogens or bulky, noisy mechanical coolers. Currently, the dominant solid-state cooling technology is thermoelectric cooling, which uses the Peltier effect....
Biswanath Sarkar
(ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research), Mr
Nitin Shah
(ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research),
(ITER Organization)
08/07/2014, 16:30
The cryoline (CL) system of ITER consists of a complex network of vacuum insulated multi and single process lines distributed over three different areas with a total length of about 5 km. With the imminent award of the manufacturing contract for a prototype, the CL project will soon enter into the construction phase. Acceptance tests after on-site installation are critical for the validation...
Armen Gulian
(Chapman University)
08/07/2014, 16:30
In this design microwave photons are propagating in a sapphire rod, and are being absorbed by a superconductor deposited on the surface of the rod. The frequency of the radiation is tuned to be less than the energy gap in the superconductor, so that the pair breaking is not taking place. The photon pumping redistributes the electron-hole quasiparticles, so that their distribution function is...
Robert Walsh
(Florida State University)
08/07/2014, 16:30
M-10: Metallic and composite materials processing and properties
Oral presentation (15min)
The ITER Central Solenoid (CS) coils utilize cable-in-conduit conductor (CICC) and the conduit alloy is JK2LB. The production grade conduit alloy (and it’s welds) must meet strict requirements for strength, toughness, fatigue crack resistance, and fabricability. The conduit alloy must retain good mechanical properties after additional fabrication steps such as welding, coil winding strain and...
Daniel Martins
(CEFITEC, Departamento de Física, FCT - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portuga)
08/07/2014, 16:45
To attenuate temperature fluctuations, inherent to the cryocooler working or due to sudden heat bursts, a thermal Energy Storage Unit (ESU) could be used. The ESU directly coupled to the cold source actuates as a thermal buffer increasing temporarily its cooling capacity and providing a better thermal stability of the cold finger (“Power Booster mode”). The energy storage units presented here...
Stefanie Agnes Elisabeth Langeslag
08/07/2014, 16:45
M-10: Metallic and composite materials processing and properties
Oral presentation (15min)
Cable-in-conduit conductors will be extensively implemented in the large superconducting magnet coils foreseen to confine the plasma in the ITER experiment. The design of the various magnet systems imposes the use of electrical joints to connect unit lengths of superconducting coils, by inter-pancake coupling.
The design is based on a twin-box lap type joint. By fabrication of twin...
Susmita Koley
(Cryogenic Engineering Centre, IIT Kharagpur)
08/07/2014, 17:00
The use of vibration-free solid-sorption based cooling in space cryogenics has a long successful history. In a typical Linde-Hampson cycle based liquefaction process, periodically
adsorbed (or desorbed) gas to (or from) a solid adsorbent plays the role of ‘thermal compressor’. Alternatively, adsorbent beds can be used as ‘condenser’ or ‘evaporator’, while a mechanical compressor generates the...
Laurent Jean Tavian
08/07/2014, 17:00
The discovery in 2012 of a Higgs boson at CERN is the start of a major program of work to measure this particle’s properties with the highest possible precision for testing the validity of the Standard Model and to search for further new physics at the energy frontier. The LHC is in a unique position to pursue this program. Europe’s top priority is the exploitation of the full potential of the...
Wilco van de Camp
(Energy, Materials and Systems, University of Twente, The Netherlands)
08/07/2014, 17:00
M-10: Metallic and composite materials processing and properties
Oral presentation (15min)
This paper reports on the cryogenic fatigue life of Al2024 / Stycast 2850ft composite sandwiches loaded under cyclic strain, as well as on the strength of their constituent materials at 77 K. These Fibre Metal Laminate (FML) specimen serve as a model for an alternative class of materials to be used in downstream LNG applications. FMLs, such as the GLARE ™, are already used in the aeronautic...
Srinivas Vanapalli
(University of Twente)
08/07/2014, 17:15
We report on the development of a heat switch for autonomous temperature control of electronic components in a satellite. A heat switch can modulate when needed between roles of a good thermal conductor and a good thermal insulator. Electronic boxes on a satellite should be maintained within a typical optimum temperature range of 260 to 310 K. The heat sinking is usually by means of a...
Nicolai Martovetsky
08/07/2014, 17:15
The Central Solenoid stack consists of 6 modules, 2.1 m tall each. In order to verify good impregnation, we performed a VPI (vacuum-pressure impregnation) test of a full cross section of the CS module, 14 conductors wide and 40 conductors tall. It was discovered that after preparation of the full cross section stack till completion of the VPI the stack shrunk in height by 20-25 mm. Our study...
Laifeng Li
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry)
08/07/2014, 17:30
Thermosetting epoxy resins are commonly used as adhesives, sealants, and matrices of insulation material of superconducting magnets. In the present work, fatigue and fracture toughness of a cryogenic-grade epoxy resin were investigated at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures to establish sound data bases for practical applications. The fatigue testing of the epoxy was conducted with strain...
Armen Gulian
(Chapman university)
08/07/2014, 17:30
The most advanced contemporary efforts and concepts for registering gravitational waves are focused on measuring tiny deviations in large arm (kilometers in case of LIGO and thousands of kilometers in case of LISA) interferometers via photons. In this presentation we discuss a concept for the detection of gravitational waves using an antenna comprised of superconducting electrons (Cooper...
Thomas Funke
(TU Dresden)
08/07/2014, 17:45
An improved calorimeter cryostat for MLI thermal performance measurements has been designed and put into operation at the TU Dresden. Based on a liquid helium cooled flow cryostat, it allows the setting of any cold level temperature between approx. 30 K and ambient temperature. Thermal shields and all-embracing radiation guards at both ends can be kept at nearly identical temperature. This is...
(Technical Institute of Physical and Institute, Chinese Academy of Science)
08/07/2014, 17:45
In this paper a compact remote heat transfer device (CRHD) for cryocoolers is proposed. This device is especially attractive in cases where cryocoolers are not easy to set near the heat source, generally the infrared sensor. The CRHD is designed on basis of the conception of loop heat pipes, while the primary evaporator is located near the cryocooler cold head and a simple tube-in-tube...
Toshiyuki Mito
(National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS))
08/07/2014, 17:45
The Large Helical Device (LHD) is a heliotron-type fusion plasma experimental machine which consists of a fully superconducting magnet system cooled by a helium refrigerator having the total equivalent cooling capacity of 9.2 kW@4.4 K. 17 times of plasma experimental campaigns have been performed successfully from 1997 with high reliability. However, 17 years have passed from the beginning of...
Laifeng Li
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
08/07/2014, 18:00
Oral presentation (15min)
In order to investigate the effect of the matrix variability on the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of the glass fiber reinforced composites at 77K, three kinds of modifiers were employed to modify the diethyl toluene diamine (DETD) cured diglycidyl ether of bisphenol F (DGEBF) epoxy resin system in this study. The woven glass fiber reinforced composites were fabricated by vacuum pressure...
Chandra Prakash Dhard
08/07/2014, 18:00
The cryogenic systems of the stellarator fusion experiment Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) consisting of superconducting coils, coil-casings and supports will be operated at 3.4K in peak power and 3.9K in standard mode. Radiation shield (80K) protects these components against ambient loads. The refrigerator supplied by Linde Kryotechnik AG has an equivalent refrigeration power of 7kW at 4.5K. It...
Ralph G. Scurlock
(Emeritus Professor of Cryogenic Engineering University of Southampton, UK)
09/07/2014, 09:00
Plenary Oral (45min)
The applications of cryogenic systems have expanded over the past 50 years into many areas of our lives. During this time, the impact of the common features of Cryogenic Fluid Dynamics, CFD, on the economic design of these cryogenic systems, has grown out of a long series of experimental studies carried out by teams of postgraduate students at Southampton University.
These studies have sought...
Arnaud Foussat
(ITER Organisation)
09/07/2014, 09:45
Plenary Oral (45min)
The ITER Tokamak magnet composed of 4 superconducting coils (toroidal field (TF), poloidal field (PF), central solenoid (CS) and correction coils (CC)) is now well under procurement. Concerning the Toroidal Field Coils (TFC), the first windings and structures components are being fabricated by industries through large contracts managed by European Fusion For Energy (F4E) and Japanese Domestic...
Fumitake Kametani
(National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
09/07/2014, 11:00
M-03: BSCCO wires and tapes processing and properties
By utilizing the over pressure technique, Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox (Bi2212) round wires without macroscopic texture recently achieved Jc of 4000 A/mm2 at 4.2 K, 5T, despite the presence of many universally-assumed obstructing high angle grain boundaries (HAGBs). We sought to understand the nature of more local scale texture, in particular to better understand the apparent disagreement between Bi2212 and...
Cecile Gondrand
09/07/2014, 11:00
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Oral presentation (15min)
Air Liquide started the development of Turbo-Brayton cryogenic refrigerators in 2007. The goal was to design refrigerators with high efficiency and reliability, which are key issues when talking about HTS systems refrigeration. The innovation consists in the assembly of all active elements on the same shaft. The recovery of the expander mechanical power, the centrifugal compressors and the...
Vitaly Vysotsky
09/07/2014, 11:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Oral presentation (15min)
Recently we reported about first in the world test of 10 m hybrid energy transfer line with liquid hydrogen and MgB2 superconducting cable [1]. In this paper we present the new development of hybrid energy transfer line with 30 m length. The flexible 30 m hydrogen cryostat has three sections with different types of thermal insulation in each section: simple vacuum superinsulation, vacuum...
Alexander Otto
(Solid Material Solutions, LLC)
09/07/2014, 11:30
M-03: BSCCO wires and tapes processing and properties
Oral presentation (15min)
Superconducting oxide (HTS) – based conductors must support large stresses and strains in demanding next-generation high field applications without current density and structural degradation. This paper describes recent advances in the mechanical properties of HTS-based commercial and development stage conductors. A comprehensive design model has been established and applied to the development...
Teruo Matsushita
(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
09/07/2014, 11:30
We have proposed the innovative superconducting DC cable using the longitudinal magnetic field effect. That is, the current-carrying capacity of the cable can be enhanced under a axial magnetic field produced by the current itself flowing in the inner conductor and outer shielding conductor. Because of the weak link properties in coated conductor that disturb a uniform current flow, the...
Maciej Grabowski
(Wroclaw University of Technology)
09/07/2014, 11:30
Helium inventory in high energy accelerators, tokamaks and free electron lasers may exceed tens of tons. The gaseous helium is stored in steel tanks under the pressure of 20 bar and at environment temperature. Accidental rupture of any of the tanks filled with the gaseous helium will create a rapid energy release in form of physical blast. An estimation of pressure wave distribution following...
Tomoyuki Naito
(Iwate University)
09/07/2014, 11:45
MgB2 superconductors have mainly been studied for the practical application of tapes and thin films owing to its high Tc of about 39 K and a high upper critical field among metallic superconductors. We have studied that the trapped field properties of MgB2 bulk samples fabricated by the capsule and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) methods and succeeded in producing the 2-3 T class bulk magnet....
Marco Schmidt
(Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt)
09/07/2014, 11:45
The magnetic-field fluctuation thermometer (MFFT) is a high-accuracy SQUID-based noise thermometer suitable for sub-Kelvin thermometry. It consists of a highly sensitive low-Tc SQUID magnetometer and a metal body in contact with the temperature stage to be measured. The SQUID is used to inductively detect magnetic field fluctuations that arise from the thermal motion of electrical charges in...
Emmanuele Ravaioli
(Twente Technical University (NL))
09/07/2014, 11:45
The recently developed Coupling Loss Induced Quench (CLIQ) protection system is a new method for initiating a fast and voluminous transition to the normal state for protecting high energy density superconducting magnets. Upon quench detection, CLIQ is triggered to generate an oscillating current in the magnet coil by means of a capacitive discharge. This in turn introduces high coupling loss...
Edward Chen
(TECO Westinghouse Motor Company)
09/07/2014, 12:00
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Oral presentation (15min)
For offshore wind power generation applications, multi-megawatts rated direct drive generators are believed to provide an opportunity to convert the abundant wind energy into electricity. Because of its ability to generate high flux fields, superconducting (SC) technology can offer significant size and mass reduction over traditional technologies. However, many challenges still exist, and...
Kohei Higashikawa
(Kyushu University)
09/07/2014, 12:00
We have succeeded in characterizing critical current properties of recent high-performance MgB2 wires at very high critical current conditions. Generally, critical currents of a wire are measured by four-probe transport measurements. However, for high critical current conditions, e.g., at relatively low magnetic fields, it is difficult to perform the measurement due to heat generation and/or...
Sastry Pamidi
(The Florida State University)
09/07/2014, 12:15
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Oral presentation (15min)
The Florida State University has recently completed a successful demonstration of a helium gas cooled superconducting DC cable system. Terminations are critical elements of a superconducting cable system. The terminations for the gas cooled superconducting cable are particularly challenging due to lower dielectric strength and heat capacity of helium gas compared to those of liquid nitrogen....
Thomas Richter
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
09/07/2014, 12:30
The Current Lead Test facility Karlsruhe (CuLTKa) has been constructed to optimize the capabilities for current lead testing at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The facility comprises five cryostat vessels including two test cryostats connected by transfer lines to the 2 kW refrigerator. Each test cryostat holds two current leads with a superconducting short circuit connector. The...
Minoru Takeda
(Kobe University)
09/07/2014, 12:30
Hydrogen is an ultimate energy source because only water is produced after the chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen. In the near future, a large amount of hydrogen, produced using sustainable/renewable energy, is expected to be consumed. Since liquid hydrogen (LH2) has the advantage of high storage efficiency, it is greatly attractive as the ultimate medium for the worldwide storage and...
Armen Gulian
(Chapman University)
09/07/2014, 12:45
The BCS, or bosonic model of superconductivity, as Little and Ginzburg have argued, can in the case of high-enough frequency of bosonic mode bring in superconductivity at room temperatures. It was further elucidated by Kirzhnits et al., that the condition for existence of the high-temperature superconductivity is closely related with negative values of the real part of dielectric function at...
Alexander Bleile
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-10: Superconducting current leads and links
Poster presentation (105min)
The key part of the international FAIR project in Darmstadt, Germany, is the synchrotron SIS100, for which superconducting magnets are employed. For the First of Series Dipole a pair of HTS current leads with a nominal current of 14 kA DC were specified, manufactured and successfully tested. The motivation for these current leads was a high operation current and the liquefaction limit of 1 g/s...
Erwin Roland Bielert
09/07/2014, 14:15
When the luminosity of the LHC at CERN is upgraded, the final focusing quadrupole magnets will receive a much higher energy deposition in their coil windings. To better understand the thermal behavior of coil windings at temperatures below -and some kelvin above- the helium lambda transition point, several numerical models have been developed. These models have been partially validated with...
Jianying Hu
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
A substantial fraction of the volume of a traditional pulse tube cryocooler is occupied by a reservoir, which greatly reduces the specific power of the cryocooler. This is undesirable for applications that require a small size and weight. This paper presents an inter-phasing pulse tube cryocooler conjoining two or more cold fingers via their inertance tubes. Because the volume flow in the cold...
Marion Kauschke
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
09/07/2014, 14:15
The upcoming Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany will provide high current anti proton, heavy ion and rare isotopic beams using an accelerator system of synchrotrons, production targets and storage rings.
The first machine in the chain after the booster is the synchrotron SIS100 which will be equipped with superconducting iron dominated magnets. Always one...
Marcel Klaus
(TU Dresden)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden, is planned to be a spallation neutron research center of 5 MW beam power. As subsystem of the target station the moderators play a vital role in decelerating high energy neutrons which were set free during the spallation process. To provide maximum neutron flux intensities with high availability for scattering experiments a proposal for a...
Rakeshkumar Patel
(Institute For Plasma Research)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The SST-1 machine comprises of superconducting magnets system (SCMS) which includes TF and PF magnets. In order to charge the SCMS, we need superconducting current feeder system consisting of sc feeders and vapor cooled current leads (VCCLs). We have installed all (+/-) 10 pairs of vapor cooled current leads for the TF and PF systems. While conducting initial engineering validation of SST-1...
Yuta Onodera
(Kyushu University)
09/07/2014, 14:15
Critical current density, *J*$_c$, of Gd1Ba2Cu3O7-$\delta$ (GdBCO) coated conductor (CC) under the influence of flux creep is one of the most important issues for the design of superconducting magnet applications because the flux creep affects field homogeneity and stability in the magnet. Namely, magnetic moment induced in the tape strands becomes...
Jaroslaw Fydrych
(European Spallation Source ESS AB)
09/07/2014, 14:15
The European Spallation Source is a 5 MW, 2.0 GeV long pulse proton machine, currently under construction in Lund, Sweden. Its superconducting linear accelerator will use three types of cavities, i.e. double-spoke resonator cavities, medium-β and high-β elliptical cavities. The superconducting section of the ESS linac will be composed of 13 spoke cryomodules (each with 2 spoke cavities), 9...
Claus Schroeder
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
In order to test the fast-ramped superconducting magnets for FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), a cryogenic test facility was designed and is currently under construction at GSI.
The overall capacity of the cryo plant is about 1.5 kW @ 4.4 K equivalent and can be distributed to four test benches individually.
In total 108 dipoles for the SIS100 will be tested at cold. The...
Roser Vallcorba
09/07/2014, 14:15
The R3B-Glad superconducting Magnet is a large acceptance dipole dedicated to the analysis of Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive ions Beams on the future FAIR facility at GSI Darmstadt. The original shape of the cryogenic tank and fluid distribution was imposed by the compact design of the six tilted and trapezoidal racetrack coils. The coils, electrically connected in series in a...
Shin Jaehee
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) is building the RAON, which is a heavy ion accelerator. The cryogenic system of the SRF (Superconducting Radio Frequency) test facility is designed to perform the test of superconducting cavities and cryomodules. The test benches consist of the vertical cryostats for the cavity test and the cryomodule test benches. The cryogenic system supplies 4.5 K...
Paolo Modanese
(INFN, Laboratori nazionali di Legnaro, 35020 Legnaro -Padova, Italy)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The UNICOS (Unified Industrial Control System) developed at CERN, and widely adopted for all existing cryogenic plants there, has been chosen at INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) LNL (Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro) for the revamping of the local cryogenic facilities. The cryogenic systems at INFN-LNL comprise a 1500 W @4.5 K refrigerator for the ALPI superconducting accelerator,...
Shaopeng Li
09/07/2014, 14:15
Accelerator driven sub-critical system in China (CADS) is a kind of transmutation machine to minimize the nuclear wastes. As one of the important parts in ADS, InjectorⅠwill be built in IHEP, CAS needingtwo cryomodules operating at 2K cryogenic environment to realize 10MeV proton beam energy. Each cryomodule includes seven Spoke cavities and seven superconducting magnets. This paper describes...
Claus Schroeder
(CrYogenic group in Common System - CSCY, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH), Dr
Holger Kollmus
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH), Dr
Marion Kauschke
(CrYogenic group in Common System - CSCY, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH), Dr
Yu Xiang
(CrYogenic group in Common System - CSCY, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
09/07/2014, 14:15
The challenge of cooldown the huge cold mass up to 1400 tons (dominated by iron) to 4.5 K is addressed as one of the most important features for Super-FRS cryogenics at FAIR. For such large cold mass the precooling with LN2 is necessary due to the reason that approximately ~80% of the cool down load is from 300K to 80K. The capacity of the LN2 precooler at 80 K as well as the 4.5 K cooling...
Dmitry Sotnikov
(Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute)
09/07/2014, 14:15
M-02: RE123 conductors processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
Our recent measurements of critical currents Ic of 2-G HTS tapes in an external magnetic field B demonstrated the difference in Ic(B) depending on mutual directions of transport currents and magnetic fields. Depending on Lorenz force direction the difference of Ic was about 10%. This phenomenon could be explained by suggestion about non-uniformity of Ic across a width of a tape. In this paper...
Zhanguo ZONG
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-10: Superconducting current leads and links
Poster presentation (105min)
The SuperKEKB is being constructed at KEK, based on the nano-scheme. The final focus superconducting (SC) magnets to squeeze the beams, were designed with 8 quadrupoles, 4 compensation solenoids and 43 correctors, contained in two cryostats at the left and right sides of the interaction point (IP). The cooling power for each cryostat is supplied with an independent refrigerator and the...
Armen Gulian
(Chapman University)
09/07/2014, 14:15
Transition-edge sensors are widely recognized as one of the most sensitive tools for the photon and particles detection in many areas – from astrophysics to quantum computing. Their application became practical after understanding that rather than being biased in a constant current mode, they should be biased in a constant voltage mode. Despite the methods of voltage biasing of these sensors...
Xiaotao Wang
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of CAS)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
The high capacity cryocooler working below 30K can be applied in many applications in many fields such as superconducting motors, superconducting power and cryopump. Compared to the GM cryocooler, the Stirling cryocooler can achieve higher efficiency and more compact structure. Because of its obvious advantages, we have designed a two stage free piston Stirling cryocooler system in our...
Yu Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
The China Spallation Neutron Source consists of a pulsed neutron source with ~20 K and 1.5 MPa supercritical hydrogen used as moderator. The dynamic heat load due to the neutron moderating is removed by the circulation of cryogenic hydrogen. A pulsed dynamic heat load is induced by the intense pulsed proton beam injection and trip, and a large pressure fluctuation in supercritical hydrogen...
Ki Woong Lee
(Institution for Basic Science)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The helium distribution system of RAON is being developed by the Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) in South Korea. The Helium Distribution System (HDS) consists of a distribution box, helium transfer line, and valve box to supply 4.5 K super-critical helium to each cryogenic component reliably and efficiently. The helium transfer line will be installed in the linac tunnel with a total length...
Shigeki Takayama
(Toshiba Corporation)
09/07/2014, 14:15
The carbon ion cancer therapy is widely spreading because of its high curative effects and low burdens on patients. The carbon ions are delivered to patients through some electromagnets on the rotating gantry. A rotating gantry is an attractive irradiation equipment, because the carbon ions can be irradiated to a tumor from any direction without changing the posture of the patient. On the...
Feng Bai
(Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzou, Gansu China)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The superconducting accelerating segment in injectorⅡ of the Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System(ADS) uses superconducting cavities operating at a frequency of 162.5MHz. The vertical performance of the superconducting cavity devices must be tested at liquid helium temperature(2K, 4.2K) before being the assembly intp their cryostat. This paper describes the constructed test station.
Paweł Duda
(Wroclaw University of Technology)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The cryogenic transfer line for XFEL/AMTF is dedicated for transferring cryogenic cooling power from helium refrigerators to a cryogenic test facility by means of the constant flows of supercritical and cold gaseous helium. The external envelope of this cryoline contains 4 cold process lines and a common radiation shield, as well as the system of supports and thermal contraction compensators....
Woo Kang Kim
(Institute for Basic Science)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
The thermal radiation properties from a non-uniform temperature distribution are investigated and the effective temperature for non-uniform distribution is defined. The thermal radiation spectra for non-uniform temperature distributions are shown as a function of frequency and are compared to the effective temperature. The thermal radiation from arbitrary size of particle is derived and the...
Piotr Szwangruber
09/07/2014, 14:15
The long term operation of such a complex facility as the superconducting SIS100 accelerator of the FAIR project requires adequate Electrical Integrity (EI). Issues related to EI shall be taken into account at the design, production and commissioning stage respectively. In order to assure the safe and reliable operation of the superconducting magnets at cryogenic conditions, the facility...
Junjie wang
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS), Mr
Liubiao Chen
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS), Dr
Qiang Zhou
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
Regenerator, a most important part of pulse tube refrigerator (PTR), must be carefully designed especially when working at high frequency and ultra-low temperature. In process of selecting regenerator materials, much attention is paid on the heat capacity of regenerator materials, while thermal conductivity is always omitted. In this paper, an effort will be made on explaining how thermal...
H.B. Naik
(Sardar Vallbhbhai National Institute of Technology Surat, Gujarat, India)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
Research on Stirling type Pulse Tube Cryocooler(PTC) is focused on achieving lower temperatures by cascading the stages or by multi-staging. Multi-staging can be done either by gas coupling or by thermal coupling of the stages. In the thermal coupling option, either a two stage cooler can precool a single stage PTC to reach lower temperatures or a single stage PTC can cool a two stage PTC. In...
Mei Wu
(Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
With no moving parts at the cold head, a pulse tube cooler can in principle not not achieve the Carnot efficciency since the acoustic power is finally dissipated in phase shifters. Based on our previous study, a cascade pulse tube cooler working at 233 K with 200 W class cooling power is designed, fabricated and tested, in which the secondary stage is driven by the recovered acoustic power...
Martin Nikolo
(St. Louis University)
09/07/2014, 14:15
First and third harmonics of ac susceptibility along with resistivity of Ba0.56 K0.44 Fe2As2 (Tc=37.6 K) and Ba(Fe0.91Co0.09)2As2 (Tc=25.3 K) polycrystalline samples are measured as a function of excitation ac field amplitude (0.1-10 Oe), frequency (10-2000 Hz), and applied dc magnetic field (0-18 T) in a detailed study. The excitation frequency f influence on flux dynamics is studied. The...
Vasilii zubko
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
Knowledge of HTS materials behavior at overload currents is important to design fault current limiters or fault protection systems of electro-technical devices. Recently we observed sharp voltage peaks during rectangular current pulses on HTS tapes cooled by boiling liquid nitrogen. We explain these peaks by analysis of transient cooling regimes in liquid nitrogen. It is common knowledge that...
Maria Pilar Lozano
(University of Zaragoza), Mr
Miguel Gabal
(University of Zaragoza)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
The concentration of impurities in Helium gas is an important parameter for a recovery and liquefaction plant. A low level of impurities is necessary to maintain an optimum liquefaction rate in any kind of liquefier. The main origin of the impurities is the contamination with air that enters the helium mainstream at some point in the recovery cycle.
In this work we study the main sources for...
Xiaofei Niu
(Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzou, Gansu, China)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
In order to reduce the waste of helium during the testing of superconducting cavities (RFQ + HWR) for the Accelerator Driven Sub-critical (ADS) program, a new cryogenic helium recovery and purification system has been built by the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP). It can store 8000m3 helium gas, and can improve helium purity from 98% to 99.999%.
Alexey Koveshnikov
09/07/2014, 14:15
The Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory (ARIEL) is a major expansion of the Isotope Separation and Acceleration (ISAC) facility at TRIUMF. The key part of the ARIEL project is a superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) electron linear accelerator (E linac). E-linac helium cryogenic system was designed to meet the ARIEL specifications. The HELIAL LL helium liquefier by Air Liquide Advanced...
Houlei Chen
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS, China)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
Phase shifting characteristics of inertance tube in small scale pulse tube cryocooler are investigated experimentally. It was found that the length of inertance tube whose diameter is 1mm has a more significant influence on the optimal frequency of the pulse tube cryocooler than the inertance tube with diameter 3mm. The performances of the pulse tube at each optimal frequency is not...
(Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
Stirling cryocoolers are promising in high temperature superconductivity application and small scale gas liquefaction, due to their high efficiency, wide operating temperature range and fast cool-down process. A high-power Stirling cryocooler driven by a crank-rod mechanism was studied systematically. A numerical model built upon Sage-software was used to show the detailed characteristics of...
(ITER-India (Institute for Plasma Research))
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
Complex and large cryogenic distribution systems are an integral part of a fusion machine having superconducting magnets, cryopumps etc. The various equipment of the cryogenic distribution system are interconnected via notably large cryogenic transfer lines (CTL) to distribute the cold helium to the end users. During the nominal operation of the fusion machine, the helium inventory in the CTLs...
Alexander Usoskin
(Bruker HTS GmbH), Mr
Tim Bubelis
(Bruker HTS)
09/07/2014, 14:15
M-02: RE123 conductors processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
Employing a newly developed compact pilot pulsed laser deposition (PLD) machine that is based on 308nm-excimer laser we manufactured 40-80 m long coated conductors (CCs) aimed for demonstration and prototyping. Both a single beam and a double beam deposition PLD regimes were tested.
The PLD installation was substantially based on “helical” technology of tape translation, “black-cavity”...
Jens Hoehne
(Pressure Wave Systems GmbH, Haeberlstr. 8, 80337 Munich, Germany)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Poster presentation (105min)
Pressure Wave Systems GmbH is developing low frequency linear compressors to directly drive GM or pulse tube cryocoolers without the need for a rotary valve. Since the rotary valve can be identified to account for substantial efficiency losses in conventional arrangements there is a large potential for increased energy efficiency. We have built a low frequency linear compressor that shows that...
Jeroen Van Nugteren
(Twente Technical University (NL))
09/07/2014, 14:15
M-02: RE123 conductors processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
Measurements of the quasi-adiabatic normal zone propagation velocity and quench energies of a Superpower SCS4050 copper stabilized YBCO superconducting tape are presented over a temperature range of 23-47 K; in parallel magnetic fields of 6, 10 and 14 T; and over a current range from 50% to 100% of Ic. These data are compared to analytical predictions and to one-dimensional numerical...
zhengyu li
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Sciences)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
Large–scale Helium Refrigeration is widely used in the fields of superconducting, nuclear fusion energy and high-energy physics. However, the present PID controlling system of the compression station is not well able to keep the high pressure and low pressure both in the expected range. In this paper, a multivariable model-based non-linear predictive controller for a Compression Station is...
Hans Quack
(TU Dresden)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
In the search for the optimum process for the liquefaction of hydrogen, it was found that mixtures of Helium and Neon, called “Nelium”, allow processes with very high efficiency compared with pure Helium or pure Neon in the temperature range between 27 and 70 K. A mixture with e.g. 75 % Helium and 25 % Neon has a molecular weight of 8 kg/kmol. In contrast to pure helium the ambient temperature...
Jaroslaw Fydrych
(European Spallation Source ESS AB), Mr
Riccard Andersson
(European Spallation Source ESS AB)
09/07/2014, 14:15
Helium cryogenics is currently the most developed technology for the thermal conditioning of large superconducting particle accelerators. The extremely elongated structures of these accelerators require long-distance transport of cold helium from the helium refrigeration units to the users of cryogenic cooling powers (mainly magnet cryostats and cavity cryomodules). The design and operation of...
Qing Li
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
In helium refrigeration systems, high-speed centrifugal cold compressors are utilized to pump gaseous helium from a saturated liquid helium tank at low temperature and pressure to produce superfluid helium or sub-cooled helium. Stall and surge are common unsteady flow phenomena in centrifugal cold compressors severely limiting the operation range and the impact efficiency reliability. In order...
Ralf Eichhorn
(Cornell University)
09/07/2014, 14:15
The detection of a second sound wave, excited by a quench, has become a valuable tool in diagnosing hot spots and performance limitations of superconducting cavity. Several years ago, Cornell developed a convenient detectors (OSTs) for these waves that nowadays are used world-wide. In a usual set-up, many OSTs surround the cavity and the quench location is determined by triangulation of the...
Aihua LI
(State Key Laboratory in Technologies of Space Cryogenic Propellants), Dr
Gang LEI
(State Key Laboratory in Technologies of Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mr
Haisheng LIU
(Beijing Institute of Aerospace Testing Technology), Dr
Tianxiang WANG
(State Key Laboratory in Technologies of Space Cryogenic Propellants), Dr
Wenqing LIANG
(Southeast University)
09/07/2014, 14:15
The accumulated oxygen in liquid hydrogen is a big risk for storage. The oxygen and nitrogen molecules will be cooled down from gas to solid when air enters the liquid hydrogen. The intermolecular attractive force can influence the accumulation of oxygen and nitrogen molecules. The contents of molecule clusters can be different from each other. This paper studies the accumulation of air in...
Maria Pilar Lozano Bernal
(University of Zaragoza),
Miguel Gabal
(Universidad de Zaragoza)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
Helium gas coming from low temperature experimental systems is recovered to avoid losses of this scarce gas on Earth. Once this Helium gas has been recovered and before its liquefaction, the impurities contained should be removed. It is possible to achieve a low level of impurities by using the proper materials and procedures on the road to Helium recovery.
A comparison of two different...
Susana Izquierdo Bermudez
09/07/2014, 14:15
In the framework of the LHC luminosity upgrade, the development of high field superconducting magnets is under way. The resulting peak field of about 12 T requires the use Nb3Sn as superconductor. Due to the high stored energy density and the low stabilizer fraction, quench protection becomes a challenging problem. Accurate simulation of quench transients in these magnets is crucial to the...
Shuichi Yamada
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-10: Superconducting current leads and links
Poster presentation (105min)
A superconducting (SC) current feeder system is used as the current transmission lines for the experimental fusion device, LHD. It consists of nine flexible SC bus-lines with total length of 497 m, and nine pairs of gas-cooled current leads. The rated current and withstand voltage of each SC bus-line are 32 kA and dc 5 kV, respectively. The first experimental campaign for the plasma...
Hyung-Seop Shin
(Andong National University)
09/07/2014, 14:15
M-02: RE123 conductors processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
Second generation (2G) coated conductor (CC tapes) with rare-earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) gained its popularity in electrical field applications such as motor and generators, power cables, and especially coils. This is due to its superiority in characteristics and performance compared to the first generation (1G) CC tapes. However, in coil applications, the CC tapes might experience...
WooKang Kim
(Institute for Basic Science)
09/07/2014, 14:15
Poster presentation (105min)
The driver linac of the heavy ion accelerator called RAON will be built in Korea and it utilizes four types of superconducting cavities.
The SCL1 (Superconducting Linac 1) consists of the QWR (Quarter Wave Resonator, β=0.047, 81.25 MHz) cavities and dedicated cryomodules each hosting one cavity. Furthermore, the HWR (Half Wave Regenerator, β=0.21, 162.5 MHz) cavities and cryomodules hosting...
Huang-Hsiu Tsai
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
Because of the delay of civil construction, one refrigerator/liquefier test area (R/L area) was constructed for the assembly and test of a 700 W cryogenic system in year 2012. The 700 W cryogenic system was installed in March 2012 and tested in the test area with a non-vacuum jacket liquid nitrogen (LN2) transfer line in October 2012. The Civil construction of the TPS ring was completed, which...
Houlei Chen
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry ,CAS)
09/07/2014, 14:15
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
The objective of this paper was to demonstrate and analyze the influence of cold-end connection tube in U-shape pulse tube cooler (UPTC). A UPTC was constructed and experimented and the performance was undesirable. According to the experimental results, the temperature difference between the cold-end heat exchangers of the pulse tube and regenerator always existed. This phenomenon was...
Vladimir Vlasenko
09/07/2014, 14:15
Based on our results of critical current measurements and data published by other groups, we report on comparative analysis of vortex pinning in Fe-based superconductors (FBS) of the 122 family with different type of doping within the models proposed by R. Griessen et al [*Phys. Rev. Let.* **72** (1994) ] and Dew-Hughes [*Phil. Mag.* **30** (1974) 293]. The first one describes behavior of the...
Yonghua HUANG
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
09/07/2014, 16:00
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Invited Oral (30min)
A new form of a state equation for helium-3 in wide range of temperature and pressure, based on a conceptual extrapolation from the Debye equation for the specific heat of solid materials was previously developed. A deeper look into the performance of the state equation for helium-3 was recently considered necessary and valuable, due to some feedback from cryogenic applications, such as the...
Jens Falter
(TransMIT GmbH, Center for Adaptive Cryotechnology and Sensors, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 16, D-35392 Gießen (Germany))
09/07/2014, 16:00
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Invited Oral (30min)
The absence of moving parts inside their cold head, which results in low vibration level and high reliability, distinguishes pulse tube coolers (PTC) from other regenerative cryocoolers. However, residual disturbances originating from the periodic pressure oscillation remain for PTCs just like for Gifford-McMahon coolers. One of these effects is the variation of the cold flange temperature...
xilong wang
(European Spallation Source ESS AB)
09/07/2014, 16:00
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a neutron-scattering facility being built with extensive international collaboration at Lund, Sweden. The ESS accelerator will deliver protons with 5 MW of power to the target at 2.0 GeV, with a nominal current of 62.5 mA. The superconducting part of the accelerator is about 300 meters long and contains 43 cryomodules. The ESS accelerator cryoplant will...
Delphine PICHOT
Frédéric ANDRIEU
(airliquide), Mrs
(Air Liquide),
Vincent HELOIN
Véronique GRABIE
09/07/2014, 16:15
Helium plays a critical role in a wide array of product. It is used for a number of industrial and medical applications, including MRI scanners, semiconductors, fiber optic cable. The helium market is expected to grow steadily, by an average of +4% a year. With the largest proven helium reserves, Qatar decided to meet the world helium rising demand by building a second Helium Recovery Unit...
Klaus Ohlig
(Linde Kryotechnik AG)
09/07/2014, 16:30
In 2012, Linde Kryotechnik AG, Switzerland, received the contract for supply of a helium liquefaction plant with a capacity of 500 l/h for Gazprom Gazenergoset’s Orenburg facility in Russia. The plant will deliver liquid helium mainly to the Russian market and replaces existing helium liquefaction plants which have been operated by Cryor. Whereas Linde Kryotechnik AG was in charge of the...
qian bao
(Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
09/07/2014, 16:30
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
On the base of a conventional 4K Gifford-Mcmahon (GM) cryocooler, we developed a new 2K GM crycooler system which can provide considerable cooling capacity and yet being highly compact in physical size. A series of experiments were operated to confirm and show the cooling characteristic and cooling capability of this new system. It will be shown that under no-load condition the lowest...
Bertrand Baudouy
(CEA Saclay)
09/07/2014, 16:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
We present here the first results on helium heat transfer in a small natural circulation loop above the supercritical pressure. The circulation loop is composed of a condenser, a uniformly heated test section and a return loop. The inner diameter of the tubes constituting the loop is 4 mm and the height of the test section is 23 cm. The condenser is thermally coupled to the second-stage of a...
William Notardonato
09/07/2014, 16:45
NASA operations for handling cryogens in ground support equipment have not changed substantially in 50 years, despite major technology advances in the field of cryogenics. NASA loses approximately 50% of the hydrogen purchased because of a continuous heat leak into ground and flight vessels, transient chilldown of warm cryogenic equipment, liquid bleeds, and vent losses. NASA KSC needs to...
Subhash Jacob
(Center for Cryogenic Technology, Indian Institute of Science)
09/07/2014, 16:45
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
Sustained efforts have been made in our laboratory to improve the performance of an indigenously developed pressure wave generator by reducing the mechanical losses and current required to drive the piston. Currently, a matching pulse tube cooler targeted for 0.5 W @ 80 K was designed using Sage and the experience gained from previous studies. A no load temperature of 74 K was achieved. The...
Suguru Takada
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
09/07/2014, 16:45
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
Under microgravity, the heat transfer is considered to be different from that under normal gravity condition because of zero subcooling due to zero hydrodynamic pressure in saturated He II. Thus the heat transfer in He II under microgravity is an interesting research target. Microgravity experiments are expected to reveal some hidden mechanism of boiling heat transfer across vapor-liquid...
(Air Liquide Advanced Technologies)
09/07/2014, 17:00
Through its history from 70’s, Air Liquide Advanced Technologies developed various cryogenic solutions (cold machines and cryogenic refrigeration) to support superconductivity applications. Thanks to a proven reliability pointed out in particular by the huge refrigeration architecture at LHC, CERN, very cold cryogenics has become “usual”. Reach very cold temperature more favorable to...
Evgeny Kostrov
(Lebedev Physical Intitute RAS)
09/07/2014, 17:00
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
The cryostat with a commercial Gifford-McMahon cryocooler (RDK-415 from SHI)with a cooling power of 1.5 W at 4.2 K is installed in the room temperature bore of the 10 T conduction cooled superconducting magnet.
The magnet consists of NbTi and Nb3Sn coils which are connected in series and charged with a single power supply. Magnetic field uniformity is 0.25% over the axial length of 30...
Masahide Murakami
(University of Tsukuba)
09/07/2014, 17:00
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
Film boiling phenomena in He II were studied on the basis of the flow field measured with a PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry). Noisy and silent film boiling modes together with a non-boiling state were generated on/around horizontal planar and cylindrical heaters. For PIV tracer particles, H2-D2 micro solid particles that were neutrally buoyant in He II were used. The flow field was...
John Jurns
(European Spallation Source ESS AB)
09/07/2014, 17:15
The European Spallation Source (ESS) neutron spallation project currently being designed will be built outside of Lund, Sweden. The ESS design includes three helium cryogenic plants, providing cryogenic cooling for the proton accelerator superconducting cavities, for the target cold neutron source, and for the ESS instrument suite. Supercritical hydrogen circulates through and cools the target...
Tiemo Winkler
(Technology Department, CERN, Geneva 23, CH-1211, Switzerland)
09/07/2014, 17:15
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
Management of transient heat deposition and extraction in superconducting magnets is becoming increasingly important for the purpose of bringing high energy particle accelerator performance to the limits of beam energy and intensity. Precise knowledge of transient heat deposition phenomena in the magnet cables will permit to push the operation of these magnets as close as possible to their...
Jianying Hu
09/07/2014, 17:15
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
Thermoacoustic engines (TEs) and pulse tube cryocoolers (PTCs) have attracted more and more attentions in recent years for their high reliability, high potential efficiency and use of environmentally-friendly working gas. Utilizing a TE to drive a PTC can produce a heat-driven cryocooler with no moving parts. However, the cooling capacity of the most existent heat-driven cryocoolers at the...
ZhuoPei Li
(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
09/07/2014, 17:30
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Oral presentation (15min)
The losses in the regenerator are minimized when the amplitude of the mass flow is minimized for a given acoustic power which requires that the mass flow lags the pressure by about 30° at the cold end of regenerator. The phase shift provided by an inertance tube is strongly influenced by the temperature of the inertance tube and the acoustic power at the cold end of the regenerator. For a 4 K...
Cecile Gondrand
(Air Liquide Advanced Technologies)
09/07/2014, 17:30
The Cryogenic System for JT-60SA must provide cold power to 5 circuits of the Tokamak: Toroidal Field coils (TF) and structures at 4.4K, Central Solenoid and Equilibrium Field coils (CS+EF) at 4.4K, cryopumps at 3.7K, thermal shields (TS) at 80K and current leads at 50K. The process choice was driven by the decision to feed the first two circuits (TF and CS+EF) using two supercritical helium...
Steven Van Sciver
(Florida State University)
09/07/2014, 17:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
We report on a quantitative study of the heat flux deposited into a He II bath consequent to a failure of its insulating vacuum jacket. Failure of this vacuum is often referred to as THE worst-case scenario seriously endangering the low temperature equipment and its surroundings. In the case of a vacuum break, air floods into the vacuum jacket and carries with it a significant amount of...
Jun Ishimoto
(Tohoku University)
09/07/2014, 17:45
Oral presentation (15min)
The fundamental characteristics of the cryogenic single-component micro-nano solid nitrogen (SN2) particle production using super adiabatic Laval nozzle and its application to the physical photo resist removal-cleaning technology are investigated by a new type of integrated measurement coupled computational technique. To elucidate the detailed mechanism of micro-nano SN2 particle generation,...
Hanspeter Wilhelm
(Linde Kryotechnik AG)
09/07/2014, 17:45
The Hadron-Electron-Ring-Accelerator (HERA) at the German Electron Synchrotron (DESY) in Hamburg, Germany, was in operation between 1990 and 2007. The required cooling capacity for the superconducting magnets was provided by a cryogenic system consisting of three identical helium refrigeration plants. Due to the implementation of the X-ray free electron laser European XFEL, the existing HERA...
Philipp Treite
(Linde Kryotechnik AG)
09/07/2014, 18:00
Oral presentation (15min)
The Fermilab Cryomodule Test Facility (CMTF) provides a test bed to measure the performance of superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cryomodules (CM). These SRF components form the basic building blocks of future high intensity accelerators such as Project X, International Linear Collider (ILC), and a Muon Collider. Linde Kryotechnik AG and Linde Cryogenics have designed, constructed and...
(European Spallation Source)
10/07/2014, 09:00
Plenary Oral (45min)
Cryogenics plays an important role at the European Spallation Source, a world class neutron science center, currently under construction in Lund, Sweden. Three principal applications of cryogenics are found at ESS. The SRF cryomodules of the ESS proton linac require cooling at 2 K, 4.5 K and 40 K; the LH2 moderator surrounding the target that produces neutrons, requires cooling via 16 K helium...
David Larbalestier
(National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
10/07/2014, 09:45
Plenary Oral (45min)
The dominant use of superconductors remains magnet technology, applications very well served by the low temperature superconductors (LTS), Nb-Ti and Nb3Sn, even if the dreams of large scale superconducting electrotechnology have driven huge investments in the High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) conductors, (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 (Bi-2223) and REBa2Cu3Ox (REBCO). But well over 95% of all...
Shaoliang Wang
(Huazhong University of Science & Technology)
10/07/2014, 10:30
A top loading 3He cryostat has been developed for scientific experiments with a 60 T pulsed magnetic field facility at Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center. The cryostat consists of a 4He bath cryostat, a 3He insert and a closed circulation system for 3He gas handling. To eliminate the eddy current heating during the pulse, the tail of the 3He insert with a death vacuum at the bottom is...
Richard Down
10/07/2014, 10:30
Most ultra-low temperature (below 1K) sample environment experiments at advanced neutron facilities are based on dilution and 3He refrigerator inserts used with Orange cryostats, or similar systems. However recent liquid helium cost increases, caused by global helium supply problems, have raised significant concern about the affordability of such cryostats. Here we present design and test...
Shaoliang Wang
(Huazhong University of Science & Technology)
10/07/2014, 10:30
Traditional cryostat for scientific experiment in the pulsed high magnetic field uses liquid helium as the cooling source. To reduce the running cost and to increase the operational efficiency, a cryogen-free cryostat based on a GM cryocooler has been developed for a 60 T pulsed field measurement cell at Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center. The lowest temperature of the cryostat is 1.4...
Jia Guo
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS)
10/07/2014, 10:30
Cryogenic treatment is a supplementary process of traditional heat treatment which has been acknowledged for many decades as an effective method for increasing wear life, dimensional stability and mechanical properties such as yield strength, hardness et al.
A customized cryogenic treatment system for treating large rolls has been designed, built and tested. Liquid nitrogen has been employed...
Marc Dietrich
(TransMIT GmbH)
10/07/2014, 10:30
Recently, we designed and built a proof-of-concept heat switch for space applications based on the high thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) of Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight-Polyethylene (UHMW-PE). The initial design showed a reliable switching performance [1]. A new design is proposed which is focused on lower mass and increased reliability, as well as a better understanding of the CTE material...
laifeng LI
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Prof.
linghui gong
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Mr
rongjin huang
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)
10/07/2014, 10:30
As a highly effective two-phase cooling technique, a cryogenic heat pipe can transport several orders of magnitude larger heat loads than heat conduction of solids such as copper, and it has been used widely for cooling of superconducting magnets, electronic devices and harvesting energy. Among the different types of heat pipes, the cryogenic pulsating heat pipe is a new-type heat pipe which...
Lei Wang
(Xián Jiaotong University),
Yanzhong LI
(Xi'an Jiaotong University)
10/07/2014, 10:30
In this paper, a numerical study is performed on the filling process of a specified cryogenic tank from room temperature down to the low temperature. The cool-down behavior of the tank and the flow characteristics inside are analyzed considering the effects of the state (gas and liquid) of the filling substance and the filling rate. CFD simulations are carried out on saturated hydrogen gas...
Liubiao Chen
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
10/07/2014, 10:30
The few products of optical cryostat for use in Microscopy and Spectroscopy in the market are generally cooled by liquid nitrogen, liquid helium or cryocoolers such as G-M cryocooler or G-M type pulse tube cryocooler (PTC), as sometimes it is not convenient to use G-M cryocooler or G-M type PTC because of its noise and big size; and in some places, liquid nitrogen, especially liquid helium, is...
Huihui Yang
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
10/07/2014, 10:30
M-10: Metallic and composite materials processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
Developing a systematic and thorough framework for the TF jacket is of profound repercussions to ITER. Here, we present an extensively observation and analysis of structural transformation for TF jacket after tensile test at cryogenic temperature with a phase transformation from γ-austenitic phase to α'-martensite. We found with decreasing the temperature, less external energy is needed to...
Parthasarathi Ghosh
(Cryogenic Engineering Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India-721302)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Poster presentation (105min)
The demand for low temperature operations for liquefaction and refrigeration at cryogenic temperature, for air separation, gas purification, superconductivity etc has necessitated the need for improvement in turboexpander performance in terms of isentropic efficiency. The design of turboexpander for liquefaction systems is quite critical at low temperatures due to process conditions such as...
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Poster presentation (105min)
At the J-PARC spallation neutron source, supercritical hydrogen with a pressure of 1.5 MPa and a temperature below 20 K is used as a moderator material. The total nuclear heating at the moderators is estimated to be 3.8 kW for 1-MW proton beam operation. The temperature rise at the moderators should be reduced below 3.0 K to provide a pulsed cold neutron beam. A centrifugal pump with dynamic...
Fridolin Holdener
10/07/2014, 10:30
To prevent backflow of boil-off gas into a cryostat or any other cryogenic system, a check valve with a low cracking pressure may be installed. This check valve should be placed in the boil-off gas line at ambient temperature. Design considerations and applications of such low-cracking- pressure check valves will be described and presented.
Anup Choudhury
(IUAC, India)
10/07/2014, 10:30
A superconducting quadrupole doublet magnet cryostat with cold super ferric iron cover for Hybrid Recoil Mass Analyzer (HYRA) beam line has been commissioned. The total cold mass at 4.2K is 2 ton which is mainly contributed by iron yoke and pole. Two stage cryo coolers have been fitted to the cryostat to take care of various heat loads coming to the cryostat. 2nd stage of cryocooler has been...
Hong Wu
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
10/07/2014, 10:30
Radiation blackout is a communication interruption phenomenon during hypersonic or reentry flight, caused by a plasma layer around a vehicle attenuating or reflecting radio waves. A vehicle in the radiation blackout phase will lose all contact with ground stations or satellites including GPS signals, data telemetry and voice communication. A method proposed to reduce the plasma density around...
Bertrand Hervieu
(CEA-Saclay Irfu),
Luc Ronayette
(CNRS-LNCMI Grenoble)
10/07/2014, 10:30
The association of two inner copper alloy resistive coils (polyhelix and Bitter) producing 34.5 T with an outer NbTi superconducting coil producing 8.5 T to obtain a 43 T hybrid magnet is a technical challenge. Accidental failure modes leading to complex electromagnetics behaviors and large transient dynamical forces should be anticipated. These considerations lead to a reinforced design of...
Oleg Kovalchuk
10/07/2014, 10:30
Insulation breaks are used in cryogenic lines with gas or liquid (helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc.) at a temperature range of 4.2-300 K and pressure up to 30 MPa to isolate the parts of an electrophysical facility with different electrical potentials. In 2013 NIIEFA delivered 95 insulation breaks to the IO ITER, i.e. 65 spiral-type breaks and 30 uniflow-type breaks. These insulators were...
Branislav Streicher
Holger Kollmus
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
10/07/2014, 10:30
The cryogenic system for the superconducting SIS100 synchrotron is designed using three entry points with Feed Boxes (FBs). Each FB will supply two sextant sections, i.e. one third of the accelerator ring with liquid helium for magnet, beam pipe vacuum chamber and bus-bar cooling as well as gaseous helium for thermal shield cooling. Each sixth of the ring consists of one cold arc and a...
Sungwoon Yoon
(Institute for basic science)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Poster presentation (105min)
The first Korean heavy-ion linac, Raon, is based on superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities. These cavities will be operated at sub-atmospheric pressures, 2 K. For performance tests of cavities and cryomodules, the SRF test facility of the Raon needs a dedicated heat recuperating system, the 2K-module. Similar to the system of other institutes, the 2K-module of Raon consists of a heat...
Sergey Nasluzov
10/07/2014, 10:30
Helium inlet (HI) and electrical joint (EJ) between conductors are critical elements of double pancakes (DP) of ITER PF-1 coil.
HI is a part of the PF-1 coil used to inject the liquid helium into PF1 conductor channel.
The full-scale sample of HI and mechanical loading facility have been designed and manufactured to perform a fatigue tests at 77K under required strain and to check leak...
Mohit Kalsia
(School of Mechanical Engineering)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
Most of the power transmission systems are to be replaced by high temperature superconducting (HTS) cables for efficient operation. These HTS cables need to be cooled below the critical temperature of superconductors used in constructing the cable. With the advent of new superconductors whose critical temperatures having reached up to 134K (Hg based), need arises to find a suitable coolant...
Mugilan Senguttuvan
(School of Mechanical Engineering)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
The storage and generation of power has been a main objective over the past decade. To accomplish such an objective, superconductors are introduced in 1978, which observed a sublime growth in power generation systems. However, electrical losses such as AC losses and thermal losses due to conduction, convection and radiation in those superconductors are inevitable. In order to overcome and...
Jeswanth Ravula
(School of Mechanical Engineering)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
Improving the effectiveness of transmitting energy is a new challenge in future power applications. At present, there are 40-60% of losses in the transmission of electrical energy. In order to overcome such critical challenges a novel technology is needed to be developed.
As nitrogen is main constituent in air and therefore it can be used in various applications. In this proposed work, a...
junjie Wang
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;)
10/07/2014, 10:30
Developing and utilizing energy storage technologies means a significant push for the “Smart Grid”. Pumped hydro storage and compressed air energy storage have been proved useful in the field of large scale energy storage, however, to adopt liquid gas, e.g., air, as a storage medium could provide much higher energy density, reduce the cost and need for space considerably. In such storage...
Hidemasa Ozeki
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
10/07/2014, 10:30
M-10: Metallic and composite materials processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is responsible for procurement of the central solenoid (CS) conductor for ITER. The CS conductor is assembled by pulling Nb3Sn superconductor cable into circular-in-square jacket whose material is JK2LB high manganese stainless steel developed by JAEA, and then heat treatment is carried out. In the recent study of Nb3Sn strand, heat treatment pattern...
Tetsuo Oka
(Niigata University)
10/07/2014, 10:30
A unique experimental attempt aiming to obtain the uniform magnetic field space which is available for NMR/MRI equipments has been carried out with use of the HTS bulk magnets. The magnetic poles were activated as N 1.8 T and S 1.4 T at 30 K by the pulsed magnetic fields up to 7 T, and settled face-to-face with the gap less than 70 mm. Since the magnetic field yielding at the surface of the...
Masahiro Shiotsu
(Kyoto University)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
Knowledge of film boiling heat transfer from a heated wire to forced flow of liquid hydrogen in a narrow gap is important for conductor design and quench analysis of superconducting magnets cooled by liquid hydrogen. However there have been few experimental data as far as we know. Film boiling heat transfer coefficients were measured for when the heater surface superheats up to 400 K under...
Yuki Horie
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
In operating superconducting devices cooled by liquid hydrogen (LH2), joule heat caused by normal conducting transition sometimes results in film boiling which prevents the effective cooling and leads to the rapid temperature rise of superconducting devices. Knowledge of heat transfer in film boiling is important for using superconducting devices cooled by LH2 safely.
In this study, film...
Maruti Khot
(Mechanical Engineering Department, Walchand College of Engineering Sangli)
10/07/2014, 10:30
Poster presentation (105min)
Nowadays linear compressors are commonly used in miniature cryocoolers instead of rotary compressors because rotary compressors apply large radial forces to piston, which provide no useful work, cause large amount of wear and usually require lubrication. Recent trends however favour flexure supported configuration for long life. The present work aims at design and geometrical optimization of...
Kazuya Yoneda
(Kyoto University)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
Liquid hydrogen has excellent properties such as large latent heat, low viscosity and so on. Therefore liquid hydrogen is expected to be used as a coolant for the high critical temperature superconducting devices. The larger heat is inputted to the superconducting device, the higher the temperature of it gets in film boiling phenomenon, which make it quench. In order to design superconducting...
Zou Xin
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
Hydrocarbons and their mixtures are suitable for environment-friendly refrigerant alternatives because of their good environmental criteria and high thermodynamic performances. They are not only the natural refrigerants but also the main components of natural gas. Therefore the research on flow boiling heat transfer of the hydrocarbon mixtures is extremely important in many industrial fields....
Dieter Jedamzik
(Oxford Instruments Omicron NanoScience)
10/07/2014, 10:30
High temperature superconductors (HTS) have the potential to impact the future development of superconducting applications for research magnets in physical sciences and industrial products. A promising technique to obtain energy from fusion is reliant on high magnetic fields to confine the hot plasma during the fusion reaction. To generate these high magnetic fields very high currents are...
Charl E. Janeke
(Kartago Inc)
10/07/2014, 10:30
Space commerce is the new global economic frontier. Air-breathing aerospace planes is a necessary space commerce means. To overcome the degenerative power of adiabatic compression, supercooling in the cryogenic zone was invented to negate shockwave formation through. The rationale of isothermal compression in the cryogenic zone is (1) logarithmic convergence of extreme compression in the rare...
ZhengYu Li
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,CAS)
10/07/2014, 10:30
Thermo-acoustic electricity generator is an application of thermo-acoustic technology. Occasionally, thermo-acoustic electricity generator without resonator should be used to satisfy both small scale and high efficiency. The alternator is resonance element as well as consuming power element. Compared to an acoustic resonator, the mechanical impedance is more concentrated, causing more apparent...
Zhenzhen ZHENG
(Institude of Cryogenics and Electronics, Hefei, 230043, PR China)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Poster presentation (105min)
The attention is focused on the Stirling cryocooler driven by a moving magnet linear motor because of its advantages of high efficiency, small vibration, and long life. In order to find the parameters influencing the efficiency of the compact Stirling cryocooler, a linear motor structure was proposed and designed, the performance of the cooler is experimentally optimized. The relationship...
ZhengYu Li
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,CAS)
10/07/2014, 10:30
This paper proposes a thermoacoustic electricity generator with no resonator, which is generated by a looped-tube traveling-wave thermoacoustic engine coupling with two linear alternators. Linear alternator is the resonating element of the looped-tube thrermoacoustic engine, and its impedance determines the operating status. The clearance between the piston of the alternator and the cylinder...
Akira Murakami
(Ichinoseki National College of Technology)
10/07/2014, 10:30
Since grain boundaries of MgB2 bulk superconductors are not weak-links, uniform distribution of trapped magnetic field is easy to obtain even for large bulk samples. Bulk superconductors are subjected to electromagnetic force and thermal stress in the superconducting devices. Thus, understanding of the mechanical properties is indispensable. However, the mechanical properties of MgB2 bulks...
Martin Nikolo
(Saint Louis University)
10/07/2014, 10:30
M-07: Pnictides and new superconducting materials
Poster presentation (105min)
Thermally assisted flux flow (TAFF) based on magneto-resistivity and ac susceptibility measurements is studied in a Ba(Fe0.91Co0.09)2As2 (Tc = 25.3 K) sample in magnetic fields up to 18 T. In addition to the upper critical field µ0Hc2 and the coherence length ξ(0), the flux flow activation energy U(T,H) has also been determined. The resistive transition width is proportional to µ0H, in...
Martin Nikolo
10/07/2014, 10:30
M-07: Pnictides and new superconducting materials
Poster presentation (105min)
Thermally assisted flux flow (TAFF) is studied in bulk Ba(Fe0.95 Ni0.05)2As2 (Tc = 20.4 K), Ba(Fe0.94 Ni0.06)2As2 (Tc = 18.5 K) superconductors by transport measurements in magnetic fields up to 18 T. In addition, the upper critical field μ0Hc2(0) and the coherence length ζ(0) are determined. The data is analyzed in the context of the widely accepted Anderson-Kim model and Fischer model. The...
Anatoly Krivykh
(Kurchatov Institute, Russia)
10/07/2014, 10:30
M-10: Metallic and composite materials processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
Uniaxial tensile tests of 316LN-IG stainless steel specimens cut along the axis of tubes were performed in liquid and gaseous helium below 8 K. Time dependences of stress, temperature, strain and strain induced magnetization normal to the specimen surface were studied. A complicated behavior of the local deformation near slip bands observed earlier [Tech. Phys. 57 (2012) 1562] was verified,...
Laifeng Li
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry)
10/07/2014, 10:30
M-10: Metallic and composite materials processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
The 316L stainless steel (SS) has been used as the conductor jacket of ITER poloidal field (PF) coil. The mechanical properties of the conductor jacket should be investigated at liquid helium temperature. In this work, tension, plain strain fracture toughness, and fatigue crack growth rate were studied at low temperature with specimens machined from the final state of the conductor jacket,...
Lei Wang
(Xi'an Jiaotong University)
10/07/2014, 10:30
Heat and mass transfer process at gas-liquid interface exerts significant influence on pressurization performance of cryogenic storage tank. In this paper, an improved CFD model adapted to multi-component and two-phase is constructed to describe the heat and mass transfer effect within the propellant tank considering the existence of pressurizing helium. In the model, the temperature...
Nico Dittmar
(Technische Universitaet Dresden)
10/07/2014, 10:30
The onset of thermoacoustic oscillations (TAO) in transfer lines results in an increased evaporation rate of stored cryogen. As a consequence the re-liquefaction effort increases as well as the observed pressure rise in the storage dewar, whereas the latter may cause critical pressure levels. Therefore, the onset of TAO has to be mitigated. The onset of TAO in flexible transfer lines at liquid...
Katsuhide Ohira
(Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency has been promoting the research and development of the hypersonic aircraft that can cruise at Mach 5 speed. The engine is equipped with a heat exchanger which uses liquid hydrogen fuel as a coolant for decreasing temperature of incoming air during hypersonic flight.
The objective of the study was to elucidate the pressure drop and heat transfer...
Katsuhide Ohira
(Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
Cryogenic slush fluids such as slush hydrogen and slush nitrogen are solid-liquid two-phase fluids containing solid particles in a liquid. There are high expectations as a functional thermal fluid for use of slush fluids in various applications. The presenter has proposed and has been developing a high-efficiency hydrogen energy system which uses slush hydrogen as a means of long-distance...
Pavitra Sandilya
(Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
10/07/2014, 10:30
Injection cooling was proposed to store cryogenic liquids (1,2). When a non-condensable gas is injected through a liquid, the liquid component would evaporate into the bubble if its partial pressure in the bubble is lower than its vapor pressure. This would tend to cool the liquid.
Earlier works on injection cooling (1,2,3) analysed the cooling process by considering instantaneous mass...
Peng Han
(Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
10/07/2014, 10:30
A 150 kJ high temperature superconducting magnetic energy storage (HTS-SMES) system is under manufacturing in China. This paper focuses on the structural design and analysis of the SMES cryogenic system. The cryogenic system is designed and manufactured to maintain the operating temperature. The system includes a vacuum vessel, its thermal radiation shield, its supporting devices, conduction...
yinong Wu
(Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, CAS)
10/07/2014, 10:30
A single-stage coaxial pulse tube cryocooler (PTC) has been designed, manufactured and tested at Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics (SITP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) for cooling an aerospace low temperature refrigerator (LTR) whose cooling volume is 20 liters. An experimental setup has been designed and fabricated and some experimental investigations have been carried out and...
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
This paper reports on the development and the thermal tests of three super fluid helium heat pipes. Two of them are designed to get large transport capacity (4 mW at 1.7 K), they feature a copper braid located inside a 6 mm outer diameter stainless tube fitted with copper ends for mechanical anchoring. The other heat pipe has no copper braid and is designed to get much smaller heat transport...
Takao Ohmori
(Teikyo University)
10/07/2014, 10:30
A vertical cylindrical calorimeter to measure the thermal performance of multilayer insulation (MLI) has been developed. Two concentric OFHC cold drums are fabricated by the sample MLI blankets, and are cooled by two-stage Gifford-McMahon cryocooler. As the cold drums are vertically supported, the layer density of the MLI sample around the drum is free from the gravity. Inner cold drum is...
Junjie Wang
(1.Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
10/07/2014, 10:30
This article describes the application of cryogens in the liquid fluid energy storage systems and compares the liquid fluid energy storage systems with the conventional compressed air energy systems. The study focus on the thermodynamic characteristics of the different cryogens used in the liquid fluid energy storage systems. It is found that the liquid fluid energy storage systems have...
Robert von Hahn
(Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg)
10/07/2014, 10:30
At MPIK the electrostatic cryogenic storage ring CSR is nearing completion. With 35 m circumference and beam energies of 20 keV to 300 keV per charge unit the CSR will allow experiments in a cryogenic environment with extremely good vacuum and low heat radiation. By using liquid helium at 2 K for cryopumping, a measured vacuum of 1 x 10E-13 mbar was proved (in a 3-m prototype device), ensuring...
Sadanori Iwai
(Toshiba Corporation)
10/07/2014, 10:30
A cryogen-free 25 T superconducting magnet is under development by using a REBCO insert coil which generates 11 T in a 14 T background field of outer low temperature superconducting (LTS) coils. The ac-loss of the insert coil during a field ramping is approximately 10 W, which is difficult to be cooled at the operating temperature of the LTS coils, 4 K. However, a REBCO coil can operate at a...
Chris Wulffers
(High Field Magnet laboratory, Radboud University Nijmegen)
10/07/2014, 10:30
The High Field Magnet Laboratory of the Radboud University Nijmegen is developing a 45 T hybrid magnet system that comprises a 12.3T, 600 mm bore Nb3Sn/Cu CICC based superconducting outsert magnet and a 32.8 T, 22 MW resistive insert magnet of the Florida-Bitter type.
The cryostat holding the CICC coil should also be able to withstand significant fault forces that may result from the...
Woosik Gil
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
10/07/2014, 10:30
The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino experiment (KATRIN) operates a series of superconducting solenoid magnets for guiding beta-electrons from the source to the detector. KATRIN has changed the superconducting magnet systems with respect to operation mode and by-pass diodes, in order to have a more reliable operation of the complex magnet systems for a designed long operation lifetime of more than...
Meifen Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
10/07/2014, 10:30
The experiment designed to search for dark matter WIMPs scattering off 1500L liquid argon(LAr) in an ultra-low background cryostat, will be located in the JINPING Mountain, China. A LAr thermosta, with a self-circulation argon liquefaction system by using two pulse tube cryocoolers (80W@80K), is developed in preparation of this experiment. Due to both the less gas bubble formation and the...
Weiping Zhu
(Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
A high performance heat exchanger is a critical component in a cryogenic system and its performance is typically very sensitive to the axial conduction, the parasitic heat loads and property variations. This paper presents a general 1-D model for multi-stream plate-fin parallel flow heat exchanger. The governing equations are solved by both analytical method and numerical method. The results...
hua tong
(Beijing institute of Spacecraft environment Engineering), Mrs
ran liu
(Beijing institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering)
10/07/2014, 10:30
The article mainly introduces the research of spherical door shroud in a huge space environmental simulator. The shroud is a pipe sheet structure of stainless pipe welding copper fin. In order to enlarge the capacity of the experiment, the door shroud adopts the spherical structure. The structure design is optimized by using emulator. The resistance pressure and temperature pattern of the...
Shrikant Pattalwar
(STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK)
10/07/2014, 10:30
A prototype cryomodule to test the crab cavities for the HILumi-LHC is being designed and will be tested on SPS at CERN in 2016. The cryomodule design consists of a unique open access structure facilitating loading of the cavity-assembly from sides. It also provides access to internal components quickly and easily even after installation. Design of the radiation shield and the cooling scheme...
Junjie Wang
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
10/07/2014, 10:30
In this study, a novel liquid air energy storage system is proposed for electrical power load shifting applications. It is a combination of an air liquefying cycle and a gas-turbine power generation cycle without combustion,including cold-energy regeneration. A thermodynamic calculation is conducted to investigate the performance of this system, and the optimization analysis is performed to...
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
Liquid hydrogen has been used as a fuel for a rocket engine and moderator material for cold neutron source. Recently, it is expected as a coolant for high-Tc superconducting devices because of its excellent cooling properties. The knowledge of transient heat transfer in forced flow of liquid hydrogen is necessary for the cooling design. However, there have been no experimental data on the...
Bertrand Baudouy
(CEA Saclay)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
Some superconducting magnets, such as the CMS or R3B-GLAD, are passively cooled in helium two-phase natural circulation loop configuration. Whereas a good knowledge of steady state operation of such systems is available, transient phenomena taking place during non-stationary solicitation of such cooling systems, by sudden heat load increase, are still in course of study.
We performed...
Masaru Tomita
(Railway Technical Research Institute)
10/07/2014, 10:30
Rare-earth barium-copper-oxide (REBCO) bulk superconductors with Tc > 90 K have high critical current density (Jc) under up to high magnetic fields, so that REBCO bulks have potential to generate a strong magnetic field in compact size. In the present study, we fabricated ring-shaped bulk annuli and evaluated trapped field property for NMR application.
The disk-shaped bulks were processed...
Mao Qiong Gong
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
10/07/2014, 10:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
As a more efficient and environment-friendly refrigerant alternative, R290 has good environmental characteristics and high thermodynamic performances. It has been used to replace R22 and R502 in the refrigeration industry. The mechanisms of boiling heat transfer and pressure drop are intimately linked with the prevailing two phase flow regime. Therefore, it is necessary to study the two-phase...
Subrata Pradhan
(Institute for Plasma Research)
10/07/2014, 14:00
The Steady State Superconducting Tokamak (SST-1) at Institute for Plasma Research has been commissioned with the successful experimental validations of its magnet systems and cryogenic systems last year. The first plasma in SST-1 has been obtained on June 20, 2012. The cryo-magnetic systems of SST-1 have been operating successfully since then, in several successive plasma campaigns. Unlike...
Nikita Emelianov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
10/07/2014, 14:00
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Oral presentation (15min)
Nuclotron is the first fast cycling superconducting synchrotron intended for the acceleration of high-energy nuclei and heavy ions. Its cryogenic system includes two helium refrigerators with a total capacity of 4000 W at 4.5 K. The 251.5 m long accelerator ring consists of 144 superconducting dipole and quadruple magnets. The magnets connected in parallel are refrigerated by a two-phase flow...
Alessandro Puri
(High Field Magnet Laboratory, Institute of Molecules and Materials, Radboud University Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 7, 6525 ED Nijmegen, Netherlands)
10/07/2014, 14:00
The discovery of FeSexTe1−x compounds belonging to the (11) family of iron chalcogenides attracted the attention of both theoreticians and experimentalists because of their simple crystal structure and a rich phase diagram where magnetic and superconducting phases may coexist forming two networks at the nanoscale.
Thanks to the high values of the upper critical field and to the critical...
Kostyantyn Yagotyntsev
(University of Twente, Faculty of Science & Technology, 7522 NB Enschede, The Netherlands)
10/07/2014, 14:15
Single ReBCO coated conductor tapes must be assembled in a cable geometry to reach currents in the order of several tens of kA. For AC application, wire twist can be introduced to reduce coupling currents during magnetic field ramping but also the inter-tape contact resistance plays a crucial role. Two cable types were subjected to transverse applied alternating magnetic fields, CORC...
Can Üresin
(Linde Kryotechnik AG)
10/07/2014, 14:15
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Oral presentation (15min)
In 2011, Linde Cryogenics, a division of Linde Process Plants, Tulsa, Oklahoma, was awarded the contract to deliver a 500 W at 2K superfluid cryogenic plant to Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) in Batavia, Illinois, USA. This system includes a cold compressor string with 3 centrifugal compressors and a vacuum pump skid with 5 volumetric pumps in parallel used to pump down helium to...
Biswanath SARKAR
(ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research),
Ritendra Bhattacharya
(ITER-India, Institute for Plasma Research)
10/07/2014, 14:30
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Oral presentation (15min)
The high mass flow rates of supercritical helium necessary to maintain the ITER magnet and cryopump system at nominal operation conditions are generated by the cold circulators of the Cryodistribution system. The requirements for those cold circulators are unique in terms of the high mass flow rate and dynamic operation environment compared to the presently existing and commercially available...
Pavol Kováč
(Institute of Electrical Engineering of SAS)
10/07/2014, 14:30
Thermally stabilized filamentary MgB2 wires with variable barriers (Nb, Ti, NbTi and C) and not magnetic sheaths (SS and GlidCop) have been made by in-situ PIT process. Critical current densities, Jc, and AC losses of wires and cables with different barriers and twist pitches have been measured and compared. AC loss of MgB2 wires exposed to the external AC magnetic field perpendicular to...
Anna Kario
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
10/07/2014, 14:45
The high temperature REBCO development is progressing in conductor length, performance and variety of architectures. Such conductors are available commercially and can be used in applications. One of the coated conductor’s applications are superconducting magnets, which require high current carrying capabilities. Those high currents can be accessed by high current cables.
Recently we...
Igor Sekachev
(ITER Organization)
10/07/2014, 14:45
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Oral presentation (15min)
ITER is a large experimental TOKAMAK being built to research fusion power. Cryostat is a multifunctional system which provides vacuum insulation for the superconducting magnets operating at 4.5K and for the thermal shield operating at 80K, also serves as a structural support for the TOKAMAK and provides access ways and corridors to the vacuum vessel for diagnostic lines of sight, additional...
Chao Zhou
(University of Twente, Faculty of Science & Technology, 7522 NB Enschede, The Netherlands)
10/07/2014, 14:45
The intra-strand resistance and current transfer length of multifilamentary NbTi, Nb3Sn, MgB2, BSSCO and ReBCO superconductors has been measured with a direct four-probe voltage-current method at various temperatures. With the aid of Finite Element Method simulations, the filament-to-matrix contact resistance and effective transverse resistivity are derived from the intra-strand resistance...
Vladislav Benda
10/07/2014, 15:00
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Oral presentation (15min)
In the framework of the R&D program related to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) upgrades, a new High Field Magnet (HFM) vertical test bench is required. This facility located in the SM18 cryogenic test hall shall allow testing of up to 15 tons superconducting magnets with energy up to 10 MJ in a temperature range between 1.9 K and 4.5 K. The article describes the cryogenic architecture to be...
Danko van der Laan
(Advanced Conductor Technologies and University of Colorado)
10/07/2014, 15:00
The next generation of high-field magnets are likely to incorporate high-temperature superconductors that are bundled into high-current cables. Conductor on Round Core (CORC) magnet cables, containing many RE-Ba2Cu3O7-δ coated conductors wound into multiple layers, are a promising candidate that will ensure a low magnet self-inductance, allowing for high current ramp rates during operation,...
Yury Ivanov
(Chubu University)
10/07/2014, 15:15
Despite intensive research in the field of applied superconductivity only now we start to use of this phenomenon for the most obvious application, namely, power transmission. At present, it can be seen an explicit shift from AC to DC HTS cable systems due to the many advantages of the DC ones. However, even at constant current transmission line is subjected to current fluctuations and,...
David Montanari
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
10/07/2014, 15:15
We report on the performance and commissioning of the first membrane cryostat to be used for scientific application. The Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) has designed and fabricated a membrane cryostat prototype in collaboration with Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (IHI). LBNE has designed and fabricated the supporting cryogenic system infrastructure and successfully...
Rainer Wesche
10/07/2014, 15:15
The main magnet of the European DIPOle (EDIPO) test facility hosted by CRPP was successfully commissioned in 2013 and is expected to become available to users in 2014 The EDIPO facility allows the test of high current superconductors in a background field of up to 12.5 T and sample currents up to 100 kA supplied by a NbTi transformer. Presently the EDIPO facility is upgraded for the test of...
(ITER Organization)
10/07/2014, 15:30
A superconducting Poloidal Field (PF) coil winding of the ITER Tokamak consists of stacked double pancakes wound with NbTi cable-in-conduit conducto1rs. One of the critical components of the coil is the electrical joint connecting either two conductor lengths within a double pancake or two double pancakes. All joints utilize the twin-box “shaking hands” concept. In each half joint box a bare...
Yusuke Sakakibara
(University of Tokyo)
10/07/2014, 15:30
In a Japanese interferometric cryogenic gravitational-wave detector, KAGRA, its mirrors will be cooled down in order to reduce thermal noise. Only cryostats containing the mirrors will be cooled down while beam ducts and vibration isolation system are kept at room temperature. Thus, thermal radiation through holes on radiation shield is problematic. To reduce this thermal radiation,...
Yifeng Yang
(University of Southampton)
10/07/2014, 15:30
Superconducting cables operating in a significant longitudinal temperature gradient with forced flow cooling by cryogenic gases, currently investigated for certain specialised applications such as the cold-powering of the high luminosity upgrade of the LHC, have a potentially wider use because of their flexible temperature margins. While superconducting cables and bus-bars in cryogenic liquids...
Laurent Jean Tavian
Philippe Lebrun
10/07/2014, 16:15
Following the first experimental discoveries at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the recent update of the European strategy in particle physics, CERN has launched an international study of possible Future Circular Colliders (FCC) beyond the LHC. The FCC study, conducted with the collaborative participation of interested institutes world-wide, considers several options for very high energy...
Peter Shirron
(NASA/GSFC, Cryogenics and Fluids Group)
10/07/2014, 16:15
The Soft X-ray Spectrometer (SXS) is one of four instruments that will be flown on the Japanese Astro-H satellite, planned for launch in late 2015/early 2016. The SXS will perform imaging spectroscopy in the soft x-ray band using a 6x6 array of silicon microcalorimeters operated at 50 mK, cooled by an adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator (ADR). NASA/GSFC is providing the detector array and...
Ranjana Gangradey
(Cryopump Project, Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India, 38242008)
10/07/2014, 16:15
Towards the aim of developing pump with large pumping speed of the order of 1 L/(s-cm2) or above for gases like hydrogen and helium through physical adsorption development of activated carbon based sorbents, like, granules, flocked fibres, knitted and non-knitted cloth sphere was carried out. To investigate the pumping speed offered, a test facility SSCF (Small Scale Cryopump Facility) which...
Naoyuki Amemiya
(Kyoto University)
10/07/2014, 16:45
When using coated conductors in accelerator magnets, one of the major technical issues is their field qualities. In order to generate the precise magnetic field, first, we must design and control the shape of the coils precisely. Furthermore, tape magnetizations can affect the field quality.
If we wind a cosine-theta coil with coated conductors, they must deform three-dimensionally to form...
Yanzhong Li
(Xi’an Jiaotong University), Mr
Yujie Yang
(Xi’an Jiaotong University)
10/07/2014, 16:45
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
Generally, an Offset Strip Fin (OSF) used in a plate-fin heat exchanger is able to provide a greater heat transfer coefficent than a plain plate-fin with the same cross section and channel length, but it also leads to an increase in flow friction and pressure drop owing to the fin offset. A new parameter, called relative entropy generation distribution factor, Ψ+, is proposed in this paper to...
(Institut Neel (CNRS))
10/07/2014, 16:45
The open cycle dilution refrigerator of the Planck mission had a cooling power of 0.2 $\mu$W at 100 mK during its life of 2.5 years, but future space missions (e.g. Athena+) require 1 $\mu$W of cooling power at 50 mK for a lifetime of at least 5 years.
Helium isotopes had to be stored on the Planck satellite, since the open cycle dilution refrigerator rejects the helium mixture into space...
Yumeng LIU
(Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University)
10/07/2014, 17:00
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
In order to enhance the application of a cryocooler that provides a given cooling capacity at the cold head location, and effectively spread that cooling over an extended region such as a large-scale superconducting magnet, one requires a highly efficient heat transfer method. The pulsating heat pipe affords a highly effective heat transfer component that has been extensively researched at...
Marcel ter Brake
(University of Twente, The Netherlands)
10/07/2014, 17:00
At the University of Twente a sorption-based helium-3 pump is under development. It will be incorporated in a closed-cycle dilution refrigerator (CCDR) that is developed by the Néel institute in Grenoble. This CCDR is to be used for future long-lifetime missions requiring a cooling power of the order of 1 microWatt at typically 50 mK for at least 5 years. Crucial component in this zero-gravity...
Mansu Seo
(Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory, Mechanical engineering department, KAIST), Prof.
Sangkwon Jeong
(Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory, Mechanical engineering department, KAIST)
10/07/2014, 17:15
Gauging the volume or mass of liquid propellant of a rocket vehicle in space is an important issue for its economic feasibility and optimized design of loading mass. Various gauging methods have been being explored and investigated to overcome an uneven liquid interface problem under micro-gravity. Pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) gauging method is one of the most suitable measuring...
Rodrigo Barraza
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
10/07/2014, 17:15
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
A Joule–Thomson refrigeration cycle (JT) using non-azeotropic gas mixtures as the working fluid has a greater thermal efficiency than a system using a pure fluid (e.g., by an order of magnitude) in the cooling temperature range from 80 to 230 K. The main component of the Joule-Thomson cycle is a regenerative heat exchanger, and the cycle efficiency is driven by the effectiveness of the...
romain bruce
(CEA Saclay)
10/07/2014, 17:30
The Space Radiation Superconducting Shield (SR2S) European project aims at studying a large superconducting toroid magnet to protect the human habitat from the ionizing radiations coming from Galactic Cosmic Ray during long term missions in deep space. Titanium clad MgB2 conductor is used to afford a bending power greater than 5 Tm at 10 K. A specific cryogenic design is needed to cool down...
Robin Langebach
(TU Dresden)
10/07/2014, 17:30
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
It is widely known in cryogenics that interconnecting pipework between a warm and a cold temperature level contribute to the heat intake of a cryogenic storage tank, especially under critical inclination. With the help of a recently published correlation the additional heat intake by possibly upcoming convection can be estimated. However, for practical application the knowledge of additional...
Ralf Eichhorn
(Cornell University)
10/07/2014, 17:30
Cornell University is in the process of building a 10 m long superconducting accelerator module as a prototype of the main linac of a proposed ERL facility. This module houses 6 superconducting cavities- operated at 1.8 K in continuous wave (CW) mode - with individual HOM absorbers and one magnet/ BPM section. In pushing the limits, a high quality factor of the cavities (2e10) and high beam...
Michael Audley
(SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research)
10/07/2014, 17:45
The next generation of infrared space observatories will use cooled (< 6 K) telescopes in combination with ultra-sensitive cryogenic detectors to achieve background-limited sensitivity. Characterizing these detectors on the ground requires an ultra-low background cryogenic test facility with high rejection of stray light, magnetic fields and vibrations. To meet the challenge of testing such...
(Zhejiang University)
10/07/2014, 17:45
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
With the aim of formulating a new correlation for super-heat and bubble departure diameter, an experimental apparatus was built to conduct a visualization and verification study on the nucleate pool boiling of liquid nitrogen. Bubble features (including departure diameters, frequencies, and shapes) were captured by a high speed camera during nucleate pool boiling. With the acquired data, the...
Yuan Tang
(Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, P. R. China)
10/07/2014, 18:00
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
Film-wise condensation at liquid nitrogen temperatures is of great interest for applications in condenser/vaporizer for cryogenic air separation. Presently, very few data are available for the two-phase flow pattern and heat transfer in the nitrogen vapor condensation process. Experiments were implemented to obtain full insights into two-phase flow pattern and heat transfer characteristics at...
Jan Hendrik Derking
10/07/2014, 18:15
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Oral presentation (15min)
The AEgIS (Antimatter Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy) experiment at CERN has as main goal to perform the first direct measurement of the Earth’s gravitational acceleration on antihydrogen atoms within 1% precision. To reach this precision, the antihydrogen should be cooled down to about 100 mK to reduce its random vertical velocity. This is obtained by mounting a Penning...
Tripti Sekhar Datta
(Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. India)
10/07/2014, 18:15
Superconducting linac as a booster of 15UD Pelletron accelerator was partly commissioned with one linac module housing eight quarter wave bulk niobium cavities along with the superbuncher and rebuncher cryomodules. Subsequently two more linac cryomodules were added to have in total 24 cavities for acceleration. In addition to that, a new Linde helium refrigerator of capacity 750 W @ 4.2 K...
Keisuke Shinozaki
(Aerospace Research and Development Directorate, JAXA)
10/07/2014, 18:15
Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA) is a pre-project of JAXA in collaboration with ESA to be launched around middle 2020s. 3m-class infrared telescope must be below 6K based on the scientific requirement, and effective radiant cooling into deep space at L2 point in combination with mechanical cooler system are used in order to cool scientific instruments as well as...
11/07/2014, 08:00
11/07/2014, 08:00
11/07/2014, 10:30
Hong Chen
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Dr
Liang Liang Zhang
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mr
Qing Guo Sun
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants)
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
To maintain the temperature and pressure in liquid oxygen tanks, the cryogenic tanks must be thermally insulated to prevent or minimize heat transfer from the ambient environment. Frost will form on the wall of the cryogenic tanks if the liquid oxygen tanks have been left bare. The frost layer, which has low thermal conductivity and obvious heat insulation effect, is a porous media consisting...
Gang Lei
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Dr
Liang Liang Zhang
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mr
Qing Guo Sun
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mr
Xiao Lin Qiu
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mr
Yan Yun Liu
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants)
M-10: Metallic and composite materials processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
Using graphite as matrix material and copper alloy as infiltration material, we prepared a copper-graphite composite by press impregnation method. Some physical properties of the composite, such as hardness, thermal conductivity coefficient, linear coefficient of expansion, density and porosity, have been tested and compared with the matrix material. The micrographs obtained by the...
Kranthi Kumar Jonnalagadda
(Indian Institute of Science)
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
The design and development of the two stage pulse tube cryocooler, for a helium recondensation system, with a design goal of 2 W at 20 K is discussed in this paper. The cold end of the first stage regenerator is thermally anchored at 80 K using liquid nitrogen supply. The second stage regenerator operating with the warm and cold ends at 80K and 20 K respectively employs SS mesh and...
Huifang Kang
(Beijing Institute of Technology)
Poster presentation (105min)
A cost-effective traveling-wave thermoacoustic electric generator, which is composed of two stage traveling wave thermoacoustic engines and two loudspeakers as alternators, is promising in solar power generation and energy recovery due to its cost-effective and capability of utilizing low-grade heat. In this paper the design of the cost-effective traveling-wave thermoacoustic electric...
Yonghua Li
(Western Superconducting technologies co.,ltd.)
Poster presentation (105min)
The critical current density of NbTi superconductors is affected by a complex schedule of heat-treatments and strain. The optimization of temperature, time and final strain are good for obtaining appropriate quantity and size of the α-Ti precipitates. In this paper, a superconductor with 3366 filaments and 1.6 Cu/Sc ratio was designed and high homogeneity Nb47Ti alloy was applied for the...
yanlan HU
C-08: Fusion magnets and conductors
Poster presentation (105min)
Plasma disruption which is a kind of abrupt nonlinear instability phenomenon often occurs in the plasma discharges.; i.e.plasma disrupts within very short time and then is terminated.
When disruption occurs, the plasma current will burn out very quickly, and at the same time poloidal field coil current will be released in fault discharging mode. And that will generate strong coupling...
Zhengyu Li
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,CAS)
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
A Gifford-McMahon (GM) cryocooler can be used in a cryostat with benefits of simple structure and low operating cost except vibration and temperature fluctuation.However, some applications are very sensitive to temperature stability at low temperature.In general,there are two ways to reduce temperature fluctuaions on cold stage of cryocooler.One is to decrease thermal diffusibility between...
Srinivasan Kasthurirengan
(CCT, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India 560012)
Poster presentation (105min)
Thermoacoustics is a promising environmentally friendly technology with growing interest in research by its advantages, such as absence of moving parts, use of environmental-friendly working fluids and the possible use of waste heat energy. Here we present the experimental studies on a traveling wave thermoacoustic engine driven at the resonator end by a prime mover with parallel plate...
Ming Ma
(Xi’an Jiaotong University)
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
The paper presents a theoretical model of flow and heat transfer for the evaporation of the laminar flow saturated falling liquid oxygen film and the condensation of saturated nitrogen vapor, which is applied to the downflow reboilers/condensers in air separation units. The model also takes into account the heat conduction through the thin plate between two fluids. The film thicknesses, the...
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mr
Kewei XING
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Dr
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mr
Yanyun LIU
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants)
C-17: Safety, reliability and standards
Poster presentation (105min)
Evaporation rate is an important technological parameter to evaluate the performance of a multilayer cryogenic vessel, especially for storing liquid hydrogen due to the low boiling point of the hydrogen. When the nitrogen is used to as the test fluid to evaluate the evaporation rate of the multilayer liquid hydrogen vessel especially for the larger volume vessel which can not directly use the...
Qiang GUO
(Western Superconducting Technologies Co., LTD)
M-01: NbTi/Nb3Sn processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to visualize the internal structure of the body in detail. Due to its high copper-to-superconductor ratio, low cost and high stability, the wire-in-channel NbTi/Cu superconducting wire occupies about 70% of the superconducting wire used in an MRI system. NbTi/Cu wire with a copper-to-superconductor ratio of 1.3...
Leonid Muravey
Valery Grishin
(ANU, Dept. of Applied Math.)
C-12: Various applications of superconductors
Poster presentation (105min)
The transmission fluxon waves and plasmon waves are considered on a Planar Superconducting Multilayer Lattice (PSML). These nonlinear solitary waves are presented in the form of pulses that can propagate without change of form and without the loss or acquisition of energy. The wave-resistant, they can store information, also moving in the right direction that lead to the interaction...
(Institute of Cryogenics and Electronics)
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
The Stirling cryocooler works at 30K and 80K simultaneously with high efficiency, small mass, and long life is needed in the space VLBI system. To meet the requirement of the space VLBI system, the one-stage free-piston Stirling cryocooler providing two temperatures at 30K and 80K was proposed, simulation of the free-piston cryocooler and the linear motor was carried out, and regenerator...
Debajyoti Roy chowdhury
(centre for rural & cryogenic technologies, Jadavpur university, Infdia), Mr
Nathu Ram chakroborty
(CRCT, JU,kolkata-32,India), Dr
Swapan Chandra Sarkar
(Centre for Rural & Cryogenic Technologies,Jadavpur University Kolkata-700032,India)
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
The function of the cryogenic condenser is to liquefy nitrogen gas or gases like oxygen, methane etc. It has been possible to develop successfully such a critical low temperature condenser from electrolytic grade copper bar having diameter 150mm and length 300 mm. Fabrication is very complicated as its contain160 slots of 0.5 mm length and depth 56 mm which is maintained within 70...
Dorota Wanda Jelen
C-16: Instrumentation and process control
Poster presentation (105min)
The purpose of this work was to test and to adapt a low pressure (0-60 mbar) inductive sensor (Niche Sensor, Nanterre, France) for application in heavy duty radiation environments like that of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Material and Methods:
The selected pressure sensor is based on a commercial device with remote conditioning electronics. To improve the senor performance:...
Toru Saito
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
M-10: Metallic and composite materials processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
A suite of advanced austenitic stainless steels are used for the superconductor jacket, magnet casing and support structure in the ITER TF, CS and PF coil systems. These materials will be exposed to cyclic-stress environment at cryogenic temperature. The CS jacket suffers high electromagnetic force with 60,000 cycles during its life time. Therefore, high manganese austenitic stainless steel...
Houlei Chen
(Technical Instituye of Physics and Chemistry, CAS, China)
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
A novel one-dimension theoretical model of oscillating flow in pulse tube cryocooler and String cryocoooler is established. The model is constructed in Lagrange perspective instead of Euler approach. Limited gas amount in the closed system of the cryocooler supplies feasibility for the model.
The model is helpful to explain the mechanism of regenerative cryocooler, even inertance tubes in...
Haifei LIU
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mrs
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mr
Lufeng YANG
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mr
Zhiyong XUAN
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants)
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
Due to their firm structure, reliable performance and long-life, differential pressure flowmeters are still widely applied in the field of cryogenic fluid flow meter. However, cryogenic fluids comprise of lower saturation temperature and less vaporization latent heat. They are prone to cavitate in the process of throttling flow. In the present paper, liquid hydrogen is taken as the test fluid...
Gang Lei
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Dr
Tianxiang Wang
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants)
C-06: Heat transfer and thermo-physical properties of solids and fluids
Poster presentation (105min)
A numerical study was performed on the non-uniform temperature of a cryogenic fluid in a horizontal liquid hydrogen tank under the condition of heat leak using CFD technique. Since a liquid hydrogen tank is a cylinder placed horizontally with respect to the vertical direction, the horizontal direction of transfer and flow can be ignored. A two-dimensional model was chosen to avoid the huge...
Ekaterine Sanaia
(Vekua Sokhumi Institute of Physic and Technology)
M-04: MgB2 processing and properties
Oral presentation (15min)
For some applications, such as superconducting radio-frequency films in cavities, YBCO films have a too short mean free path. Alternative films are being explored, such as MgB2. The Mg-B system has its own challenges due to the very different properties of magnesium (metal) and boron (semiconductor). Actual sized (diameter 50.8 mm, and 6.25 mm thickness) profiled products of MgB2 have...
Wolfgang Stautner
C-05: Cryostat technology
Poster presentation (105min)
W. Stautner, A. Leach, J. Rochford, C. Immer, M. Xu
GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY 12309 USA
Thermoacoustics in cryogenics continues to be a very interesting phenomenon which is still poorly understood but often experienced unexpectedly in experiments where it causes unacceptable heat leaks. The authors report on the appearance and onset of this unwanted occurrence at temperatures...
Julien Lantreibecq
C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction
Poster presentation (105min)
In this paper, we present a method to estimate key parameters for large refrigerators, like heat transfer coefficients. Such a method could be particularly useful in the case where cryoplants are submitted to large pulsed thermal loads, expected to take place in the cryogenic cooling systems of future fusion reactors such as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) or the...
Ji Hyun Lim
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Poster presentation (105min)
Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) has been carried out extensive research into superconducting cable systems in a distribution class since 2006. We have installed and attached the Stirling cryocooler to a 22.9kV, 100m superconducting power cable in 2013, and this superconducting power cable system was operated in the ICheon substation, the real power grid of Korea. The superconducting...
Xiujuan Xie
(Key Laboratory of Cryogenics)
Poster presentation (105min)
In this paper, optimization design for whole performance of a high-speed radial-axial flow cryogenic turbo-expander is discussed in this paper. The design method based on the principle of one-dimension-steady flow was adopted to successfully design out a radial-axial-flow turbo-expander for the cryogenic system. Then numerical simulation and detailed analysis were carried out based on the...
Qingxiang Wang
Poster presentation (105min)
In this study, NbTi superconducting wire was prepared with high pure Cu10% Ni alloy as the matrix material usingthe methods of assembling for three times. The ratio of copper to superconductor was 1.8 and the final size of the wire was 0.7 ± 0.005 mm, with 7225 filaments. Optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), line energy spectrum analysis (EDS) and transmission...
Mohammed Fouaidy
(IPN Orsay)
C-16: Instrumentation and process control
Oral presentation (15min)
The maximum RF surface magnetic field (BS) achieved with Superconducting RadioFrequency (SRF) bulk Nb cavities is often limited by anomalous losses due to Joule heating of normal-resistive defects embedded onto the RF surface. At high BS (e.g BS>50 mT), the defect temperature increases strongly with the field, leading to a thermal runaway of the cavity or quench. In the frame of a R&D program...
Mohammed Fouaidy
(IPN Orsay)
Poster presentation (105min)
We derived analytical solutions of the steady-state heat equation for SRF cavities subjected to RF losses and cooled by LHe at temperature Tbath. Two classes of problems are treated: 1) the defect-free case with uniform RF losses either due to the intrinsic BCS RF surface resistance of the material or includes the residual surface resistance Rres, 2) the defect case with losses dominated by RF...
Kim WooKang
(Institute for Basic Science)
C-09: Accelerators and detectors
Poster presentation (105min)
The RAON driver linac uses 4 types of superconducting resonators and 5 individual cryomodule configurations. The SCL1 (Super Conducting Linac 1) consists of QWR (Quater Wave Resonator) with β=0.047 and f=81.25MHz and HWR (Half Wave Resonator) β=0.12 and f= 162.5MHz. The SCL2 (Super Conducting Linac 2) consists of SSR1 (Single Spoke Resonator) with β=0.3 and 325MHz and SSR2 (Single Spoke...
Srinivasan Kasthurirengan
(CCT, Indian institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India.)
Poster presentation (105min)
`enter code here`There are a number of applications which require liquid helium for its functioning and some of them are MRI systems, NMR, SQUIDs and other R&D works at cryogenic temperatures. However, in most cases, the above requirement of helium is to be met from liquefaction systems which are quite big, which require considerable efforts to operate and maintain them.
Compact small...
LI Jianfeng
(Western Superconducting Technologies Co.,Ltd.)
Poster presentation (105min)
The ITER magnet coils are wound from Cable-In-Conduit Conductors (CICC) made up of superconducting and copper strands assembled into a multistage, rope-type cable inserted into a conduit of steel tubes. The conductors for the Toroidal Field (TF) and Central Solenoid (CS) coils require about 500 tons of Nb3Sn strands while the Poloidal Field (PF) and Correction Coil (CC) conductors need around...
Srinivasan Kasthurirengan
(CCT, Indian institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India.)
C-03: Expanders, Pumps, compressors, regenerators and other components
Poster presentation (105min)
Cryosorption pump is the only possible device to pump helium, hydrogen and its isotopes in a tokomak. Activated carbons are the most suitable adsorbents for the development of these pumps. For this purpose, the data of adsorption characteristics of activated carbons in the temperature range 4.5 K to 77 K are needed. This data is normally obtained with the help of a micro pore analyzer which...
Jung-Ho Ahn
(Andong National University)
M-07: Pnictides and new superconducting materials
Poster presentation (105min)
NbSe2 was is a conventional type II superconductor with Tc ~ 7 K. It has a layered crystal structure with different values of upper critical field between c- and ab-directions. It is also well-known that high purity single crystal exhibits a very weak vortex pinning, while the introduction of disorder such as irradiation induced the occurrence of fishtail effect. In the present work, we...
Ioseb Metskhvarishvili
(Laboratory of Cryogenic Technique and Technologies, Ilia Vekua Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Technology, Mindeli str. 7, 0186 Tbilisi, Georgia)
M-06: HTS Bulk
Poster presentation (105min)
We are reporting the effects of the addition of Sb2O3 on the electric and magnetic properties of Y-based high temperature superconductors. Samples with composition YBa2Cu3SbxOy (x=0.00 – 2 wt.%) were prepared by the solid-state reaction method. The starting powder was mixed in a ball mill for 1 hour. The heat treatment schedule was: first dried powders at 120°C for 4 h, raised temperature at...
Huajun Liu
(Institute of Plasma Physics of CAS)
C-10: Superconducting current leads and links
Poster presentation (105min)
In order to reduce the heat load to liquid helium, totally 13 pairs of HTS current leads were used in EAST facility. This paper is focused on testing of the current leads. A test facility was set up and used to test the HTS current leads. A 500W/4.5K refrigerator was used to cool down the test system. The top side of the HTS current leads was cooled by LN2 and bottom side cooled by 4.5K...
Peter Nikolyuk
M-06: HTS Bulk
Poster presentation (105min)
X-ray and photoemission studies of some ternary compounds of the R-Cu-Si system (R-rare-earth metal) and high-temperature superconductor (HTS) YBa2Cu3O6.9 had been performed.Such objects selection is caused the fact that all named compounds are cuprates, in which the dehybridization phenomenon had been found.
Characteristically, that all listed above ternary compounds are isostructural...
Haifeng Xu
C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers
Poster presentation (105min)
The design method of a new model called embedded-type stirling cryocooler is presented in this paper in order to make the Stirling cryocooler’s volume much smaller and its length much shorter. The designed stirling cryocooler’s expander is embedded into its compressor to shorten the length of complete machine. The SAGE software was used to test and verify the feasibility of the embeded-type...
Ke Zhang
(Western Superconducting Technologies Co. Ltd.)
Poster presentation (105min)
Nb3Sn strands are used in the Toroidal Field (TF) coils of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project. Residual Resistance Ratio (RRR) is an important performance for superconducting strands. The RRR value of Nb3Sn strand after heat treatment should be higher than 100 in accordance with the ITER specification. High purity copper with RRR between 273K and 20 K above 250 is...
Kaijuan Yan
(Xi’an, 710018, China)
Poster presentation (105min)
In order to meet the different market demands for superconducting materials under high magnetic field, it’s particularly necessary to explore and research superconducting materials related to Nb3Sn. Three different specifications of internal-tin Nb3Sn rectangle wire have been developed by multi-pass drawing, twisting, and rolling . This article researches the influence of different heat...
Yanmin Zhu
Poster presentation (105min)
Different performances are required for NbTi/Cu Superconducting materials for different magnets. The proper heat treatment scenario plays an important role on the performance of NbTi/Cu superconducting strands. The aim of heat treatment is to generate α-Ti pinning phase which can improve Jc. Different heat treatment strain, duration time and times directly affect Jc. But the heat treatment...
Yigong Shi
(Western Superconducting Technologies Co., Ltd.)
Poster presentation (105min)
Two kinds of Nb3Sn multifilamentary wires were produced using the internal tin process. For comparison, ITER type wires used in ITER TF coils were also prepared. The fabrication process of these strands was the same and the only difference was the diameter of the wires. All the samples were heat-treated in vacuum using the ITER heat treatment cycles B. Reaction heat treatments at 650℃ were...
Aihua LI
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mrs
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Mr
Qingguo SUN
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants), Dr
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants)
C-11: Cryogenics for power applications and transportation
Poster presentation (105min)
Self-pressurization transfer is used widely for transferring liquid hydrogen, where a fraction of the liquid in the storage vessel is vaporized and superheated throughout the vaporizer by exchanging heat with ambient air, and returned to pressurize the ullage volume of the storage vessel to expel the liquid hydrogen. In this paper the pressurization performance of the self-pressurization...
Bae Joonhan
M-02: RE123 conductors processing and properties
Poster presentation (105min)
The studies on the high temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets cooled by cryogenic refrigerator are actively underway with rapid advancement in 2G tape technology recently.
In order to reduce cooling time and to lower operating temperature of the conduction cooled HTS magnet and promptly to extract hot spot from HTS magnet in quench, the equivalent thermal conductivity of HTS magnet should...