7–11 Jul 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Experimental investigation of compact 2K GM cryocoolers

9 Jul 2014, 16:30


Oral presentation (15min) C-02: Cryocoolers- Pulse tube, Stirling, Magnetic and other coolers Wed-Af-Orals Session 11


Mr qian bao (Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)


On the base of a conventional 4K Gifford-Mcmahon (GM) cryocooler, we developed a new 2K GM crycooler system which can provide considerable cooling capacity and yet being highly compact in physical size. A series of experiments were operated to confirm and show the cooling characteristic and cooling capability of this new system. It will be shown that under no-load condition the lowest temperature reached about 2.2K on the exterior surface of the second stage and temperature oscillation displacement was less than ±20mK. Detailed cooling load-map and cooling-down curve will also be introduced in this paper. The research results have been achieved by "Development of a Compact Superconducting Single Photon Detector System for Photon-Quantum Infomation and Communication", the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(NICT), Japan.


Mr qian bao (Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)


Mr Akihiro Tsuchiya (Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.) Dr Mingyao Xu (Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.) Dr Rui Li (Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)

Presentation materials