7–11 Jul 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Overview on AL.AT cryogenic solutions under 4.5K

9 Jul 2014, 17:00


Oral presentation (15min) C-01: Large scale refrigeration, liquefaction Wed-Af-Orals Session 10


Simon CRISPEL (Air Liquide Advanced Technologies)


Through its history from 70’s, Air Liquide Advanced Technologies developed various cryogenic solutions (cold machines and cryogenic refrigeration) to support superconductivity applications. Thanks to a proven reliability pointed out in particular by the huge refrigeration architecture at LHC, CERN, very cold cryogenics has become “usual”. Reach very cold temperature more favorable to superconductivity (~ 2K) is then becoming widespread. Consequently, in recent years, all over the world, many experiences and projects of various size requiring very low temperatures were carried out. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of Air Liquide past and recent contributions to Very Low temperature Superconductivity, focusing on the current project for the Turkish accelerator (TARLA).


Simon CRISPEL (Air Liquide Advanced Technologies)


Cecile Gondrand (Air Liquide Advanced Technologies) Mrs Cindy DESCHILDRE (Air Liquide) Mr Franck DELCAYRE (Air Liquide) Mr Jean-Marc BERNHARDT (AIRL LIQUIDE)

Presentation materials