7–11 Jul 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The Study of spherical door shroud in huge space environmental simulator

10 Jul 2014, 10:30
2h 15m
Poster presentation (105min) C-14: New devices and novel concepts Thu-Mo-Posters Session 3.4


Mrs hua tong (Beijing institute of Spacecraft environment Engineering)Mrs ran liu (Beijing institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering)


The article mainly introduces the research of spherical door shroud in a huge space environmental simulator. The shroud is a pipe sheet structure of stainless pipe welding copper fin. In order to enlarge the capacity of the experiment, the door shroud adopts the spherical structure. The structure design is optimized by using emulator. The resistance pressure and temperature pattern of the fluid have been checked to ensure the performance index of the shroud. The shroud is divided into several pieces for manufacturing. All pieces are assembled on site. This form has solved the problem of large dimension equipment’s transportation.The application of spherical door shroud is very successful.


Mrs hua tong (Beijing institute of Spacecraft environment Engineering)


Mrs ran liu (Beijing institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering)

Presentation materials